Friday, July 30, 2010

Wrapping up the Workweek

Leah + Indian trees = nearly like home!!
Ummm . . . a vine!? and a just-woke-up Leah! :)

What remains of a good b-fast: papaya, bananas, and cereal . . . with HOT milk! Yes, the milk is hot here and so much more delicious than cereal and cold milk. Well, both are good I guess - but I think the hot milk is supposed to be better for digestion. However, you must anticipate a more soggy cereal of course, but the warmth makes up for it!

Some women walking to work. (Bird's eye view!)

Yes - I got myself in the pic. . . with the palm tree. Success.

Interviewing women-headed household: data for study.

Blurry pic, but look at the garland they made me I have hanging from my hair!!

My two favorite girls bringing me flowers, flowers, flowers!!!

Well well well - I am doing great over here! I have had a very productive week - started my final report which is all on the formal research study I conducted and I now am on pg 20 with 2 more objectives of my study to report on - (I have only reported on the first one and some of the preliminary data - including some info. ICRISAT gathered in earlier years. I am really liking this research work so I don't know if it is in my future or not - but it is a possibility. I think part of the problem I had with it not feeling significant earlier on is that we are kind of here in the ICRISAT bubble so to speak. So if it was actually for life I would be much more able to go off campus, be active in the church, volunteer in community, etc. in free time. So, many possibilities!

Today my workmate - well whenever he comes in the room he says, "Working hard!?" To which I reply, "Yes!" Then one time he said something to the effect of, "Work hard, but don't get stressed. Enjoy what you do." That was a wise statement - so I told him how much I do enjoy it. Now, I may need to break the "Serious Leah Working Face" to show I am having fun too! He sent me these maps of my village which are awesome for my report and another woman gave me all these reports and some have great graphs for my report. Another woman told me about final presentation and some more details - a different man is helping me get the names of everyone in the government, a different woman I will meet with next week to show her some of my qualitative data presentation, oh man. . . who else? Then my fellow interns are so nice to talk with - oh, I better get a picture with my new friend Ya-Ting - she is so cute!

So I have lots of people helping me here - the ones I mentioned and even more. Now I need to think about how to thank them!! Please help! Suggestions anyone!?!? Comment, message, or chat with me about all of your great ideas. Not to mention the wonderful people with the housing and dining staff who are all SOOOOOOOO KIND! I could never ask for a nicer place to be. Maybe that is why I think of coming back. It is such a family here - if I would return - it would be a whole new family with some of the same faces and I would be an old vet! Not new blood that time!!
Sorry no pics in awhile - I am back on the multimedia binge!!!

Oh speaking of that, check out another album of pics. from the village . . . this is the best way to tell the story - through pictures! Hope that is right!

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