Sunday, August 29, 2010

80th and final post

So I guess after this post, I will call it a wrap. Let me first finish telling you what I did on my last Saturday and Sunday and Monday in the wonderous land of India. Briefly, to finish Saturday off, I got invited by my Plant Nutrition Conference friends to accompany them on their cultural excursion. I didn't know if I should go because the trip was arranged especially for them, but they insisted I was welcome to at least try to go. Well, try I did and I had a wonderful time. To start at the beginning, we began to plan out our day by discussing our interests on the way out of campus. Then we found out that the excursion was arranged for us and we were kind of required to see this temple. I was excited because I hadn't yet been to a temple - however, some of the men along had their hopes set on a little souvenir shopping, considering the fact this was pretty much their last chance to get a souvenir off campus. So, I tried to work some magic with the driver and convince him to go to the market also. Dissapointingly, he did not know of the market I had been to, so after a lot of saying, "Shilaparamum!" my friends thanked me, saying at least I tried.

We decided we were happy to go to the temple and had accepted this fact. We arrived at the temple, and to my surprise, the driver came back and asked me what I was saying earlier. I continued to say the market's name, Shilaparamum, when he at last, could understand my dreadful pronunciation! He was really nice - but said we would not have time for the market. I worked some persuasion and finally the "but it is their last night and they just want a gift from their family to remember India by!" line worked and he agreed to stop by the market after the temple.

The temple was a cool experience, we got kum-kum on our foreheads if we wanted, and that was cool. (Some red powderlike stuff, and then some yellow stuff we saw later on.) There was a priest that dispensed holy water into our right hand and we were supposed to drink it - but I just pretended because of health concerns.

Next we headed to the market and got some great souvenirs and then went back to campus for a special lunch prepared for us. I decided to go on a walk to the church to bid it goodbye. . . in the pOuRiNg rain! That was great :) The day was finished off with an 8:00 dinner with friends and an intense GMO debate between two good friends from the plant nutrition conference.
Sunday . . . was a great day - because it was both the assumption of Mary into heaven and it was India's independence day. There were just tons and tons of children dressed in white all around the church. (White symbolized freedom and peace.) It was really moving to see all of these Catholics - and their devout faith.
I did some packing up today, worked on my paper, and spent some more time with some friends.
Then Monday, the day I never believed would actually come. The day was a blur as I worked to the bone to finish my report, thank everyone, say goodbye, and give some gifts. Then that evening, I decided I may as well go out with a shout as we went into the nearby town to visit the market/store 1 last time. The night ended with a big ceremony my friends put on for me at supper - complete with a poem, a garland of flowers, and kind words.

India has been one sweet sweet experience - and I thank you all for following me there . . . and to many of you for helping me get there. I am ready for the next chapter of my life now as I embark on an experience some like to call, "College". I may give some updates every now and again on a blogsite throughout the year. If you are interested, look below. Until we meet again, peace to all.

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