So now is when all these bigwigs are here w/ the plant nutrition conference, and it is great! I go to breakfast and eat with them each day - they are all so nice and fascinating. Today I think this is who we had at our table: Israeli, European, Australian, and another American. One of my "friends" who is a presenter here got this huge drawn out award yesterday! They were talking about how he looked a little embarassed after the whole production. They apparently are really big on respect and recognition here - - - I better remember that for tomorrow! However, anyway, I come home from b-fast only to see my wild wacky hair. The above picture doesn't quite capture the bed head that has taken over - but it expresses emotions. The one below is an even better emotion-communicater!
These are some things I am ready to return for:
1. Visit to Dr. Miller in Hiawatha, my chiropractor a.k.a. miracle worker! Saved my life as a child . . sob story for another time!
2. Hair cut!
3. Keep moving and grooving to the next chapter in my life: a.k.a. college. (My level of "readiness" for that one is debatable - but it's time for that chapter in the book of life! :p)
4. International travel - which is sure to be a challenge - and a blast!
5. Potentially meeting up in Germany w/ one of the other WFPers who also is coming from India and is my friend! (Really excited for that one - our schedules just line up, so we'll see if the dots can be connected and the paths crossed!)
6. Umm, fresh food from garden sounds nice and some more control over food choices - although the cafe here is the BEST BEST BEST! And I am sooooooo lucky to have gotten such a sweet deal! (I actually have this meal card thing which means all my food is free and I can get pretty much as much as I want and it still wouldn't amount to what the card costs - so anyway, I can always try a bunch of Indian dishes and share w/ friends!) Not to mention, I also have learned things that you can order, like steamed vegetables - I've known that one since like 2nd day! But now I get an egg white omelete made in the morn with onions and tomatoes. . . mhm, mhm, good :) Anyway, that reminds me of 7!
7. Grocery shopping! (An activity I enjoy, especially at co-ops and natural food stores :p)
8. Pretty excited for the Bankston auction. . .
9. Seeing all the Iowa greenery :)
10. Church - although know I get to go to Mass here - I am loving that!!!
11. Packing and shopping for college and school supplies in less than a week sounds challenging and I am always up for a challenge, so I guess that makes the list.
12. And I have saved the VERY VERY BERRY BEST FOR LAST!!!! GETTING TO SEE ALL OF YOU! (Well the ones I get to see that is!) Really excited to see family!!!!!! And the whole Bankston/Iowa community I know and love! :)
Ok, well that is that. And btw: those are the only 2 pictures you get today - just what you were dying to see of India - I know! Alright, on to my day . . .
Well things are really coming down to the end here. I am working on the big bad final reports I have been talking about forever. It will be a great and relieving and successful feeling to finish them up. I present my oral dealio tomorrow - maybe I should be practicing. . . but I just don't feel like it now. I mean, I have been working on this for 2 whole months, I like public speaking, and I have a slideshow. . . so, I am just pooped out of practicing I think! :)
I also then will finalize my written report on Monday and turn it in! Wow! This wkend I don't know if I will toooooo much wild and crazy Indian stuff. Maaaybe venture out a tad and work on report and pack and then on Sunday, hopefully church, and then Monday will be my last day at office, (I'll probably leave early to pack), and then I leave after supper on Monday night! Craziness, huh?!
I am sure it will be hitting me sometime - but right now I am doing ok with everything. 2 days ago I was practically flying with happiness here, then last night I was a bit unsettled/not knowing what to do w/ myself, so then I prayed, thought, and slept and I think I have come to peace with it all. I mean, I don't want to stay here indefinetely. This is what I came for and I am accomplishing my purpose, so it is only right that my time will end after the purpose is complete. Sounds pretty easy on paper, huh?! But I am thinking that maybe I won't cry when I leave b/c I am preparing myself and getting ready now. I mean, I can cry some time later of course, but housing is really gonna think we are cooky if we keep having these cryfests in there!!
So, yeah. That is the agenda and life as I know it. Tonight I am gonna make myself pick up a bit, lay out clothes for tomorrow, mayyyyybbee run through presentation, but maybe wait until tomorrow morning's dry run . . . and get arranged around here. Oh yeah, I can't forget shower time! Off to do that one now!
Well things are really coming down to the end here. I am working on the big bad final reports I have been talking about forever. It will be a great and relieving and successful feeling to finish them up. I present my oral dealio tomorrow - maybe I should be practicing. . . but I just don't feel like it now. I mean, I have been working on this for 2 whole months, I like public speaking, and I have a slideshow. . . so, I am just pooped out of practicing I think! :)
I also then will finalize my written report on Monday and turn it in! Wow! This wkend I don't know if I will toooooo much wild and crazy Indian stuff. Maaaybe venture out a tad and work on report and pack and then on Sunday, hopefully church, and then Monday will be my last day at office, (I'll probably leave early to pack), and then I leave after supper on Monday night! Craziness, huh?!
I am sure it will be hitting me sometime - but right now I am doing ok with everything. 2 days ago I was practically flying with happiness here, then last night I was a bit unsettled/not knowing what to do w/ myself, so then I prayed, thought, and slept and I think I have come to peace with it all. I mean, I don't want to stay here indefinetely. This is what I came for and I am accomplishing my purpose, so it is only right that my time will end after the purpose is complete. Sounds pretty easy on paper, huh?! But I am thinking that maybe I won't cry when I leave b/c I am preparing myself and getting ready now. I mean, I can cry some time later of course, but housing is really gonna think we are cooky if we keep having these cryfests in there!!
So, yeah. That is the agenda and life as I know it. Tonight I am gonna make myself pick up a bit, lay out clothes for tomorrow, mayyyyybbee run through presentation, but maybe wait until tomorrow morning's dry run . . . and get arranged around here. Oh yeah, I can't forget shower time! Off to do that one now!
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