Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ahh, a rainy night

Today was an accomplishment unlike any other. I printed off my first 32 pgs. of research ever in the same report. That was awesome. I just stood there all anxious-like as it printed (on both sides of the pg, thank you). Yes, I am working on climate change and printing pages upon pages of paper. . . well, we double-side print, so there! :) Anyway, I have yet to even look through it all because I am just pretty mentally exhausted, so I am gonna head to bed early tonight. That has been the plan recently, but life has a way of taking ahold.

There is a new gym here now - which also means we have to pay to use it by the day, month, or year. . . but the pool is still free! I walked there tonight and was thinking about doing a short wk-out, found out about the cost and decided it wasn't worth it today considering I actually wanted to be eating supper in 30 minutes :) As I was walking there though, the weather was so eerie, it was awesome! I just knew the rain was coming - the clouds were gray and growing and the rain was just rolling in. Then it unleashed and it was beautiful. The pool looked so cool with the pelts of rain just smacking against the surface. The rain was a wonderful release for me and felt so refreshing. I then saw a rather large draining off the Housing building and stuck my head under so I was already half-way drenched for my shower. Yes, I am doing my part to conserve water. . .

Oh, speaking of water conservation, I found out the lakes here at ICRISAT (all 5 of them) are used for the irrigation and for the watering of the lawns so that is very very happy-making!! It seems only right that we wouldn't be wasting all that precious water in the semi-arid tropics, so I am thrilled it is more sustainable :)

Then when we went to supper I wore my same half-drenched clothes and my hair was fully drenched from washing it quick before we left. So it was pouring on the way and felt great and it was so funny when we got there. At that point I was entirely drenched and wonderful (ICRISAT) family working in the food department asked if we didn't have umbrellas! I actually do but have never used it. For me, the +'s of an umbrella just do not outweigh the -'s. Frankly, I would rather get wet than deal with all that jazz! They must think we are insane. Ha! :)

Ok, so the real big news of the day. It was - - - - c-r-a-z-y -------- c-o-o-l -------- today at work!!! We had a seminar which was awesome! The man (who I stayed late after work meeting with yesterday) presented pretty much on what his PhD work was on. It was so fascinating and I now have so many unanswered ?'s but there were way too many questions and comments to take them all.

My mentor called me in this morning and told me that she wanted me to attend the conference and it would be very interesting for me and that I should come w/ ?'s prepared and that she wanted me to ask at least one. So I said I would get brainstorming and went out. Well the seminar time creeped up on me and I realized I better wait and find out what ?'s would be relavent to the presentation. So we went down to the big chamber - I am gonna call it that - just makes it sound more intimidating since I need to do a big presentation there at the end of my dealio. It is actually this super formal lecture/conference room. Hint: mics. on the tables. After everyone!!! started filing in I was like, "Man! I need to ask a question in front of all them!??! All these amazing and accomplished scientists!" Anyway, I told myself there was no getting out of it and I thanked God for making me ok with talking in front of people.

Anyway, I found out the definition of the term "Grill time" which I have been referring to what will happen after I present. You know the 30 min. present and 30 min of grill?!!? Well, I did not even know the beginning of the meaning of grill before today! (I think - hope - pray!! - it'll be a little different for me b/c I obviously am not here to present and defend my PhD, but just what I have been able to do and accomplish and learn in 2 mos. time)

(Oh by the way, this reminded me of something.) Tonight at supper I brought up me going to college b/c I got rmmate assignment and stuff n was telling my CA friend that my roomie is from CA. . . anyway, then one of my friends was like, "Oh, so you are starting your PhD work then?" I was like, "No. . ." He was like, "Doing another undergrad then?" It was funny, I then explained how I am with the same program as Claire so am just starting undergrad! :) It is crazy being here - I could be a PhD student and people wouldn't blink an eye! Man, I have a lot of learning and growing and experiencing and living I need to get through first!

Anyway, today it was a very interesting and informative presentation and the whole dynamics were awesome to observe. Then it was time to field ?'s and I didn't have my hand up - just resting on table with pencil in hand w/ vertical elbow - perpendicular to table - right next to my body - if you can visualize this at all :) and my mentor said, "Leah, why don't you start us out?!?" Oh boy, I then figured I guess it was time for my question! So, I asked it. I actually had the ? I wanted to know, so that was good. I didn't feel like I got an awesome - just what I was hoping for - in depth answer, but accepted it, b/c who was I to challenge the response again!! I am merely an intern!!

So then the real interrogations began! I wanna go to some more of these seminars - they are absolutely fascinating and they have them every Thurs. usually I guess. This wk. Tues. was the day that worked. . . anyway. . . it was also great to see a presentation before I give my own!! Now I have a little better idea of what to expect.

Anyway, when we got back to my room, one of my friends started telling me how it was ICRISAT policy that if the intern roommate would ask a ? during seminars, they would get thrown a party during afternoon break. A coffee party :) He said how my question was great and the first one too - he said it was the same ? which everyone else kept asking - only reworded. (Which was a little interesting b/c I didn't feel like I got an awesomely sufficient answer to my original ? so that would make a little sense. . . .) So, that was nice to hear >> maybe not 100% true, but nice all the same! It was also funny b/c I was like, "Man, and I needed to ask a ? too?!?!" I am happy I did need to I guess. It definetely made me more assertive! And if I wouldn't have needed to, I may have - probably would have - been more subdued w/ all the scientists around. . . and frantic note-taking of course!! I am good at that :)

Well I am going to bed now. I am exhausted these days. In an accomplished feeling way. I think it is b/c my brain is going 100 miles a minute all day and then during my tea breaks I go on these great brisk walks. Today a friend came along (Christen) in the afternoon and I felt bad b/c she had to jog to keep up. It was unfair: 1) my legs are longer 2) I am the craziest power-walker I know and 3) She also had flip-flops on!! But she was a good sport :) And also, the late nights at the office take a toll too :) So, I am just ready for a good night's sleep. Ahh, my bed!

P.S. The food today was quite an adventure. It is so funny how when they have one dish that isn't my fav., they usually have other options that aren't for me either! It is very rare that this occurs and of course an adventurous and fun experience - b/c it seems like everyone all experiences these times together! Today one of my Indian workmates warned me against one of the Indian curries b/c she said it is so bitter - - a friend got it and I tried it - I used tried instead of ate here purposefully.
So during 2nd half of lunch break today (aka when I stopped back at rm. before going back to work) I was thinking about how awesome it is that I had a bunch of dishes in the fridge I had gotten carry out from the cafe. (Also, here we say "carry out" rather than "to go!") So that was handy and great b/c I was wondering when I would eat those dishes. I mean, Indian curries are not exactly a snack food! So anyway, maybe it is a good idea to keep a dish handy just in case :) But it is only the 2nd time I remember this happening so we will have to see.
Well, off to the bed now :)

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