Well this morning I thought I would wake up at 5:30 and do oral presentation. . . I thought wrong. I woke up - felt like a train ran over me (not that bad, but needed more sleep, so went back to bed). Then I woke up in time to get ready and make it to b-fast @ relatively normal time - 7:00 - around when they open. . . I learned today it pays to be a friendly person. I mean you can go through life just looking down and never reaching out to others but you would not meet too many exciting people. There is, as I said or alluded to, this huge big bad conference going on right now on plant nutrition. I have met a few presenters and this morn., the man in line in front of me at cafeteria was another. He is from U. of Cali (San Francisco) and actually has a colleague and friend whose daughter was on this Borlaug-Ruan internship program last yr. in Peru! So that was cool! He invited me to sit with him and I joined some other presenters too at the breakfast table. We had a wonderful and invigorating breakfast chat - I really liked the group of men I was with. However, I was supposed to go back and call the rents so I was able to just quickly chat w/ them before heading off to work after my pleasant morning encounter. They also want me to go to the conference, so I will see if I can spare any time from my work to sit in on a session of interest.
Work was good - I had those coworkers proofread for me a while back and those suggestions have been taken into consideration- but now after making slideshow - it is really helpful and I am making more changes myself to improve report. It is becoming quite concise also. These 2 pgs. with some of my village profile have 6 graphs and commentary to explain the data . . . 6 graphs on 2 pgs! Man, I am learning to shrink and make it fit! You see b/c a new chapter of report needs to start on a new pg. but I don't like to have any gaps so a little fanangling needs to be done :) Anyway. . .
I met another great man at work today. He is going to miss my seminar on Fri. b/c he leaves for a trip tomorrow but took the time to explain a part of ICRISAT's Village Level Studies program to me. He was sooooo nice and I was wanting to me him too. I am sad he'll miss my report but he can read my report if he so chooses! Also found out my village investigator - the really nice man who got flown in from Delhi just to introduce me to the village - will miss my report on Friday also. (Trips, trips, what are you gonna do!?!?)
Sidenote: I have a roommate lately. He is one of those iguana/lizard things. I am not a big fan b/c he is not little enough to be cute but when I first spotted him - I told him I'd like to stay out of each others' way. He just was making some little noises so I told him to stop. It was unsettling. :) I sure like sleeping under my mosquito net! :)
I left wk. at tea time this afternoon b/c I needed to practice oral report aloud - from rm. However, I first needed to go on my tea time walk - but it was raining. So. . . even better! I came to room, deposited things, and considered changing clothes. I then realized: These clothes are already partially wet (from walk home), why not just get them really wet?!!? So then I headed off. It was awesome - and (Claire: I embraced each raindrop twice!) really really funny also. I mean, I was in work clothes and . . . it was pouring. So I got soaked. Some people I saw were under this overhang waiting it out - and me - this crazy, looney, whitey, is just splashing along in the muddy puddles getting more drenched by the second. (Just for the record - I was wearing good clothes for it - brown peculiar pants and a tan cotton shirt - and (Mom's) sandals.) Thanks Mom! Those sandals have been the best best best!
It was a great walk - and then I came back and practiced presentation. My voice couldn't last through whole thing. I gotta start talking more around here or something. Maybe less. . . :)
Yeah, now I am just doing the nightly routine! ROUTINE! That will be changing soon enough :( And I am a fan of my busy little schedules! Gonna shower before supper and then I am hoping to get to bed much much earlier tonight! I will look a little nicer in the morn if I meet any more bigwigs around here! (BTW!!! Apparently all the flags were up @ ICRISAT - and still are - not for the conference - but for the PRIME MINISTER OF A.P. (ANDHRA PRADESH!!!!) Man, what I would do to get to see/meet with him!!! It is very allusive though - no one knows where he is or why. Well. . . no piddly-diddly interns I mean :)
I'm off then - if I think of any more enlightening news or excitement, I will be sure to let you know. . . OH YEAH! So Lisa just told me that Claire got bumped up to 1st class on the ride home! 1st class! Boy oh boy - some have all the luck! Well, I guess I have some pretty awesome travel thus far. I am excited for next international travel. I will be shock - absolute shock perhaps - leaving here, but maybe I can enjoy the travel still. Int. travel is my favorite, but this will be my 1st experience coming home from int. trip. . . so idk what that one will be like!
Alrighty then. . . More later!!
<3 Leah
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