So I guess after this post, I will call it a wrap. Let me first finish telling you what I did on my last Saturday and Sunday and Monday in the wonderous land of India. Briefly, to finish Saturday off, I got invited by my Plant Nutrition Conference friends to accompany them on their cultural excursion. I didn't know if I should go because the trip was arranged especially for them, but they insisted I was welcome to at least try to go. Well, try I did and I had a wonderful time. To start at the beginning, we began to plan out our day by discussing our interests on the way out of campus. Then we found out that the excursion was arranged for us and we were kind of required to see this temple. I was excited because I hadn't yet been to a temple - however, some of the men along had their hopes set on a little souvenir shopping, considering the fact this was pretty much their last chance to get a souvenir off campus. So, I tried to work some magic with the driver and convince him to go to the market also. Dissapointingly, he did not know of the market I had been to, so after a lot of saying, "Shilaparamum!" my friends thanked me, saying at least I tried.
We decided we were happy to go to the temple and had accepted this fact. We arrived at the temple, and to my surprise, the driver came back and asked me what I was saying earlier. I continued to say the market's name, Shilaparamum, when he at last, could understand my dreadful pronunciation! He was really nice - but said we would not have time for the market. I worked some persuasion and finally the "but it is their last night and they just want a gift from their family to remember India by!" line worked and he agreed to stop by the market after the temple.
The temple was a cool experience, we got kum-kum on our foreheads if we wanted, and that was cool. (Some red powderlike stuff, and then some yellow stuff we saw later on.) There was a priest that dispensed holy water into our right hand and we were supposed to drink it - but I just pretended because of health concerns.
Next we headed to the market and got some great souvenirs and then went back to campus for a special lunch prepared for us. I decided to go on a walk to the church to bid it goodbye. . . in the pOuRiNg rain! That was great :) The day was finished off with an 8:00 dinner with friends and an intense GMO debate between two good friends from the plant nutrition conference.
Sunday . . . was a great day - because it was both the assumption of Mary into heaven and it was India's independence day. There were just tons and tons of children dressed in white all around the church. (White symbolized freedom and peace.) It was really moving to see all of these Catholics - and their devout faith.
I did some packing up today, worked on my paper, and spent some more time with some friends.
Then Monday, the day I never believed would actually come. The day was a blur as I worked to the bone to finish my report, thank everyone, say goodbye, and give some gifts. Then that evening, I decided I may as well go out with a shout as we went into the nearby town to visit the market/store 1 last time. The night ended with a big ceremony my friends put on for me at supper - complete with a poem, a garland of flowers, and kind words.
India has been one sweet sweet experience - and I thank you all for following me there . . . and to many of you for helping me get there. I am ready for the next chapter of my life now as I embark on an experience some like to call, "College". I may give some updates every now and again on a blogsite throughout the year. If you are interested, look below. Until we meet again, peace to all.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Home Schweet Home!
I am officially home to IA safely and doing wonderful! I must say, I am a person who likes closure, so I profusely apologize for leaving you all hanging for a few days! I will finish up the last few days which I have journaled about and then tell you about the trip home and then the final reflection before this blog is beat, so be patient with me. (No net in the Bankston hills for the Lucas family!)
But I am doing great great great - adjusting to a new climate after 2 mos. away - and prepping to serve my family a delectable Indian meal tomorrow night! (We will take lots of pictures!)
My one suitcase was delayed, but we already have it so now the unpacking and repacking process has begun! I will keep you posted and finish up the trip's blog within the next little while. I feel like you all were such a part of my trip this summer - I just loved to have your support.
More later,
But I am doing great great great - adjusting to a new climate after 2 mos. away - and prepping to serve my family a delectable Indian meal tomorrow night! (We will take lots of pictures!)
My one suitcase was delayed, but we already have it so now the unpacking and repacking process has begun! I will keep you posted and finish up the trip's blog within the next little while. I feel like you all were such a part of my trip this summer - I just loved to have your support.
More later,
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Saturday of all Saturdays!
Saturday began - and I decided to wake up at 7:30 am. I was supposed to have b-fast with my nutrition conference friends - but I compromised and didn't go quite as early as usual. (7:30 instead of 7:00! Still early!) I told myself I could nap later, but it was important to cherish the relationships I had built. So I arrived there and my one friend was no where to be seen (he prob. went earlier). The man behind me in line said something to me and appeared to be nice. I sat down before him and thought he may join me. He, however, sat by his friend from Nutrition conference, so I thought, "What the heck?" and picked my tray up, turned around and asked if I could join them! Ha!
This delightful table grew and grew and we had a jolly 'ol time chatting. I was able to meet people I have seen around but not spoken to, and some I knew were with us also. Then a man came over and said the car was waiting. They were confused, but I knew what was going on so I said, "Ok, ok, thank you!" One woman just sat down with her breakfast and I explained to them how apparently their car was ready but it was no problem and it would wait for them . . . it wasn't even 9 yet and that was the planned time for their excurion. (They were scheduled to have a final excursion into Hyderabad to end their conference.) So I walked with them towards my room and the guestel - their destination, until the turn-off for my dorm. I then said how nice it was to meet them and they were like, "Aren't you coming with us?!!"
This was a special excursion planned just for them b/c they were bigwigs so I was like, "Oh no! I don't think so!" They were like, "Oh, do you have other things to do?" To which I responded, "Not really . . ." And then they insisted, "You should come! Come along!" So I said I would run up to my room first. I hastily put on a nicer sweater, ran my fingers through my hair, grabbed my purse stocked with a couple chapati and a Rs. bills, and headed down. I then got down there and we waited until 10:30 am for the whole thing to work out with our driver coming. It was so funny because these people had been waiting the entire conference and experiencing funny things with misorganization. Why change that on the cultural excursion day?
I met a wonderful woman - Francesca! She is from Italy, and then there are others I met as well. Alex is from DC but now is resident of Australia and has been there for the past 7 yrs. He is so nice - very charming personality and so fun to be with. A man from the Netherlands, one from Israel I think it was, and many more countries were represented on our cultural excursion. . . .
So as the excursion finally began we piled into 2 vehicles - ours was bigger - we had 4 of us in the back where there are seats facing each other. . . Anyway, we began to plan our excursion, talking about where we wanted to go and what we wanted to see.
This progressed to a rather lively and fun gathering at the table as some others joined us. I got to meet people I had seen around but not formally met and we had a nice time. Then I walked them back to the office where they were gonna wait for their car for the cultural excursion planned.
This delightful table grew and grew and we had a jolly 'ol time chatting. I was able to meet people I have seen around but not spoken to, and some I knew were with us also. Then a man came over and said the car was waiting. They were confused, but I knew what was going on so I said, "Ok, ok, thank you!" One woman just sat down with her breakfast and I explained to them how apparently their car was ready but it was no problem and it would wait for them . . . it wasn't even 9 yet and that was the planned time for their excurion. (They were scheduled to have a final excursion into Hyderabad to end their conference.) So I walked with them towards my room and the guestel - their destination, until the turn-off for my dorm. I then said how nice it was to meet them and they were like, "Aren't you coming with us?!!"
This was a special excursion planned just for them b/c they were bigwigs so I was like, "Oh no! I don't think so!" They were like, "Oh, do you have other things to do?" To which I responded, "Not really . . ." And then they insisted, "You should come! Come along!" So I said I would run up to my room first. I hastily put on a nicer sweater, ran my fingers through my hair, grabbed my purse stocked with a couple chapati and a Rs. bills, and headed down. I then got down there and we waited until 10:30 am for the whole thing to work out with our driver coming. It was so funny because these people had been waiting the entire conference and experiencing funny things with misorganization. Why change that on the cultural excursion day?
I met a wonderful woman - Francesca! She is from Italy, and then there are others I met as well. Alex is from DC but now is resident of Australia and has been there for the past 7 yrs. He is so nice - very charming personality and so fun to be with. A man from the Netherlands, one from Israel I think it was, and many more countries were represented on our cultural excursion. . . .
So as the excursion finally began we piled into 2 vehicles - ours was bigger - we had 4 of us in the back where there are seats facing each other. . . Anyway, we began to plan our excursion, talking about where we wanted to go and what we wanted to see.
This progressed to a rather lively and fun gathering at the table as some others joined us. I got to meet people I had seen around but not formally met and we had a nice time. Then I walked them back to the office where they were gonna wait for their car for the cultural excursion planned.
Friday, August 13, 2010
A High Profile Day
Wow. (That seems to be a popular beginning to my blogs!) Today was . . . where do I begin?!!? (That is also typical, huh?!) Anyway, I had a ginormous day today - let me give you the play by play. So it began with a 6:30 wake-up call. I wanted to give myself 8ish hrs. of sleep for the huge day. Then I went to b-fast at 7 and stayed there until 8 w/ my conference presenters: "Dr. friends!" Which was great - b/c one of my friends gave me his card and we had the best time getting to know each other. He is great - such a nice guy - plant pathologist - and is the one from CT. He passes Wesleyan Un. he said like 4-5 times a week. He was telling me about Middletown and all the great things to do. I am really exited for the beautiful river that the campus overlooks - I never saw that while we were there - the CT.
Anyway, apparently the best Thai restaurant in all of CT (hah- catch that? ALL of CT!!). And anyway, the most exciting part! I am supposed to email him when I get out there and he was telling me how there is this great place to hike that he goes to and then a good b-fast place as well! So I am thrilled about that, these wonderful PhD men going to this conference have been the most fun to have around! I mean, what a better way to kick off the day than to have great conversations with really accomplished, intelligent, and interesting people!
It is so hilarious also. There are all these special things planned for them b/c of this conference but they always want and try to invite us . . . for example they had this whole cultural dance/performance show and they were reminiscing about how we should have been there b/c there were like 75 empty seats in the auditorium! It is so nice and funny! It's like, well, we aren't quite that high profile around here! (This comment is a lead-in, I admit it!)
Except for today! I guess it would be qualified as very high profile indeed. So the day began - well I already told you about breakfast - then I came back to rm., backed things up - and a few sidenotes to add in here:
1) my hair cooperated/was fairly tame today, and. . .
2) I wore my nice Western wear dressiest outfit, and . . .
3) (This is jumping the gun on schedule of events, but no spillage on white shirt during lunch!) :)
Ok, anyway, work this morning was ok. Although I felt like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time. So I gave presentation to friends last night after supper - which was so so so super helpful and they gave me great suggestions. The concensus was: "You were great - powerpoint was bad!" So, I made a lot of changes to p-point, well not the structure, but I just made it more of a presentation for p-point so cut down on words and such. It was really easy b/c I could simply copy/paste most from paper - same logical sequence. However, for example, in presenting my objectives, I needed to just not give full sentence, and expand upon it. So that was very nice of them to be so helpful . . . and frank!
So my supervisor was on a trip to the village and fell down some stairs there - I felt so bad for her! But she is ok, so I found that out this morning - but she was at wk. of course! And good thing too b/c she leaves for Ethiopia on Monday morning so she had to be here for a lot today - my seminar being one of the things!
So I was supposed to do dry run in the morning to my mentor but then plans changed. I ended up:
1) eating at a banquet-style executive dining hall with Director General
2) then dry-running for mentors in the afternoon
3) making last minute changes
4) and presenting!
The lunch was delicious and I met wonderful people from Un. of Florida who were so cool. (They were husband and wife and the husband was putting on a seminar thing here.)
The presentation went fabulous, the Q and A segment was good also and people were so nice! My mentor said some fail, some pass, and some pass w/ flying colors - I was last one :) (Well she said some fail, I thought it was a joke, but then realized it wasn't meant to be funny - it was true, so I stiffled my laugh!)
Then I was bewildered my presentation was over and I had given gifts to mentors (Iowa farmers' market jam + specialty organic peppermint tea + dbq postcard) . . .
Next I talked with Christen, then other intern friends at dinner, then hung out with UK friends and learned all about UK education system and college admission process. Sol went to Cambridge so that was interesting to learn about . . .
I headed back to my room and didn't end up going to bed until 2 in the morn!!! And then the last Sat. was ahead!
(BTW: I had a technical glitch and had to halfway rewrite this entire day of events so be appreciative!)
Anyway, apparently the best Thai restaurant in all of CT (hah- catch that? ALL of CT!!). And anyway, the most exciting part! I am supposed to email him when I get out there and he was telling me how there is this great place to hike that he goes to and then a good b-fast place as well! So I am thrilled about that, these wonderful PhD men going to this conference have been the most fun to have around! I mean, what a better way to kick off the day than to have great conversations with really accomplished, intelligent, and interesting people!
It is so hilarious also. There are all these special things planned for them b/c of this conference but they always want and try to invite us . . . for example they had this whole cultural dance/performance show and they were reminiscing about how we should have been there b/c there were like 75 empty seats in the auditorium! It is so nice and funny! It's like, well, we aren't quite that high profile around here! (This comment is a lead-in, I admit it!)
Except for today! I guess it would be qualified as very high profile indeed. So the day began - well I already told you about breakfast - then I came back to rm., backed things up - and a few sidenotes to add in here:
1) my hair cooperated/was fairly tame today, and. . .
2) I wore my nice Western wear dressiest outfit, and . . .
3) (This is jumping the gun on schedule of events, but no spillage on white shirt during lunch!) :)
Ok, anyway, work this morning was ok. Although I felt like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time. So I gave presentation to friends last night after supper - which was so so so super helpful and they gave me great suggestions. The concensus was: "You were great - powerpoint was bad!" So, I made a lot of changes to p-point, well not the structure, but I just made it more of a presentation for p-point so cut down on words and such. It was really easy b/c I could simply copy/paste most from paper - same logical sequence. However, for example, in presenting my objectives, I needed to just not give full sentence, and expand upon it. So that was very nice of them to be so helpful . . . and frank!
So my supervisor was on a trip to the village and fell down some stairs there - I felt so bad for her! But she is ok, so I found that out this morning - but she was at wk. of course! And good thing too b/c she leaves for Ethiopia on Monday morning so she had to be here for a lot today - my seminar being one of the things!
So I was supposed to do dry run in the morning to my mentor but then plans changed. I ended up:
1) eating at a banquet-style executive dining hall with Director General
2) then dry-running for mentors in the afternoon
3) making last minute changes
4) and presenting!
The lunch was delicious and I met wonderful people from Un. of Florida who were so cool. (They were husband and wife and the husband was putting on a seminar thing here.)
The presentation went fabulous, the Q and A segment was good also and people were so nice! My mentor said some fail, some pass, and some pass w/ flying colors - I was last one :) (Well she said some fail, I thought it was a joke, but then realized it wasn't meant to be funny - it was true, so I stiffled my laugh!)
Then I was bewildered my presentation was over and I had given gifts to mentors (Iowa farmers' market jam + specialty organic peppermint tea + dbq postcard) . . .
Next I talked with Christen, then other intern friends at dinner, then hung out with UK friends and learned all about UK education system and college admission process. Sol went to Cambridge so that was interesting to learn about . . .
I headed back to my room and didn't end up going to bed until 2 in the morn!!! And then the last Sat. was ahead!
(BTW: I had a technical glitch and had to halfway rewrite this entire day of events so be appreciative!)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
One down, Four to Go!
So now is when all these bigwigs are here w/ the plant nutrition conference, and it is great! I go to breakfast and eat with them each day - they are all so nice and fascinating. Today I think this is who we had at our table: Israeli, European, Australian, and another American. One of my "friends" who is a presenter here got this huge drawn out award yesterday! They were talking about how he looked a little embarassed after the whole production. They apparently are really big on respect and recognition here - - - I better remember that for tomorrow! However, anyway, I come home from b-fast only to see my wild wacky hair. The above picture doesn't quite capture the bed head that has taken over - but it expresses emotions. The one below is an even better emotion-communicater!
These are some things I am ready to return for:
1. Visit to Dr. Miller in Hiawatha, my chiropractor a.k.a. miracle worker! Saved my life as a child . . sob story for another time!
2. Hair cut!
3. Keep moving and grooving to the next chapter in my life: a.k.a. college. (My level of "readiness" for that one is debatable - but it's time for that chapter in the book of life! :p)
4. International travel - which is sure to be a challenge - and a blast!
5. Potentially meeting up in Germany w/ one of the other WFPers who also is coming from India and is my friend! (Really excited for that one - our schedules just line up, so we'll see if the dots can be connected and the paths crossed!)
6. Umm, fresh food from garden sounds nice and some more control over food choices - although the cafe here is the BEST BEST BEST! And I am sooooooo lucky to have gotten such a sweet deal! (I actually have this meal card thing which means all my food is free and I can get pretty much as much as I want and it still wouldn't amount to what the card costs - so anyway, I can always try a bunch of Indian dishes and share w/ friends!) Not to mention, I also have learned things that you can order, like steamed vegetables - I've known that one since like 2nd day! But now I get an egg white omelete made in the morn with onions and tomatoes. . . mhm, mhm, good :) Anyway, that reminds me of 7!
7. Grocery shopping! (An activity I enjoy, especially at co-ops and natural food stores :p)
8. Pretty excited for the Bankston auction. . .
9. Seeing all the Iowa greenery :)
10. Church - although know I get to go to Mass here - I am loving that!!!
11. Packing and shopping for college and school supplies in less than a week sounds challenging and I am always up for a challenge, so I guess that makes the list.
12. And I have saved the VERY VERY BERRY BEST FOR LAST!!!! GETTING TO SEE ALL OF YOU! (Well the ones I get to see that is!) Really excited to see family!!!!!! And the whole Bankston/Iowa community I know and love! :)
Ok, well that is that. And btw: those are the only 2 pictures you get today - just what you were dying to see of India - I know! Alright, on to my day . . .
Well things are really coming down to the end here. I am working on the big bad final reports I have been talking about forever. It will be a great and relieving and successful feeling to finish them up. I present my oral dealio tomorrow - maybe I should be practicing. . . but I just don't feel like it now. I mean, I have been working on this for 2 whole months, I like public speaking, and I have a slideshow. . . so, I am just pooped out of practicing I think! :)
I also then will finalize my written report on Monday and turn it in! Wow! This wkend I don't know if I will toooooo much wild and crazy Indian stuff. Maaaybe venture out a tad and work on report and pack and then on Sunday, hopefully church, and then Monday will be my last day at office, (I'll probably leave early to pack), and then I leave after supper on Monday night! Craziness, huh?!
I am sure it will be hitting me sometime - but right now I am doing ok with everything. 2 days ago I was practically flying with happiness here, then last night I was a bit unsettled/not knowing what to do w/ myself, so then I prayed, thought, and slept and I think I have come to peace with it all. I mean, I don't want to stay here indefinetely. This is what I came for and I am accomplishing my purpose, so it is only right that my time will end after the purpose is complete. Sounds pretty easy on paper, huh?! But I am thinking that maybe I won't cry when I leave b/c I am preparing myself and getting ready now. I mean, I can cry some time later of course, but housing is really gonna think we are cooky if we keep having these cryfests in there!!
So, yeah. That is the agenda and life as I know it. Tonight I am gonna make myself pick up a bit, lay out clothes for tomorrow, mayyyyybbee run through presentation, but maybe wait until tomorrow morning's dry run . . . and get arranged around here. Oh yeah, I can't forget shower time! Off to do that one now!
Well things are really coming down to the end here. I am working on the big bad final reports I have been talking about forever. It will be a great and relieving and successful feeling to finish them up. I present my oral dealio tomorrow - maybe I should be practicing. . . but I just don't feel like it now. I mean, I have been working on this for 2 whole months, I like public speaking, and I have a slideshow. . . so, I am just pooped out of practicing I think! :)
I also then will finalize my written report on Monday and turn it in! Wow! This wkend I don't know if I will toooooo much wild and crazy Indian stuff. Maaaybe venture out a tad and work on report and pack and then on Sunday, hopefully church, and then Monday will be my last day at office, (I'll probably leave early to pack), and then I leave after supper on Monday night! Craziness, huh?!
I am sure it will be hitting me sometime - but right now I am doing ok with everything. 2 days ago I was practically flying with happiness here, then last night I was a bit unsettled/not knowing what to do w/ myself, so then I prayed, thought, and slept and I think I have come to peace with it all. I mean, I don't want to stay here indefinetely. This is what I came for and I am accomplishing my purpose, so it is only right that my time will end after the purpose is complete. Sounds pretty easy on paper, huh?! But I am thinking that maybe I won't cry when I leave b/c I am preparing myself and getting ready now. I mean, I can cry some time later of course, but housing is really gonna think we are cooky if we keep having these cryfests in there!!
So, yeah. That is the agenda and life as I know it. Tonight I am gonna make myself pick up a bit, lay out clothes for tomorrow, mayyyyybbee run through presentation, but maybe wait until tomorrow morning's dry run . . . and get arranged around here. Oh yeah, I can't forget shower time! Off to do that one now!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Decent Progress and Tremendous Rain
Well this morning I thought I would wake up at 5:30 and do oral presentation. . . I thought wrong. I woke up - felt like a train ran over me (not that bad, but needed more sleep, so went back to bed). Then I woke up in time to get ready and make it to b-fast @ relatively normal time - 7:00 - around when they open. . . I learned today it pays to be a friendly person. I mean you can go through life just looking down and never reaching out to others but you would not meet too many exciting people. There is, as I said or alluded to, this huge big bad conference going on right now on plant nutrition. I have met a few presenters and this morn., the man in line in front of me at cafeteria was another. He is from U. of Cali (San Francisco) and actually has a colleague and friend whose daughter was on this Borlaug-Ruan internship program last yr. in Peru! So that was cool! He invited me to sit with him and I joined some other presenters too at the breakfast table. We had a wonderful and invigorating breakfast chat - I really liked the group of men I was with. However, I was supposed to go back and call the rents so I was able to just quickly chat w/ them before heading off to work after my pleasant morning encounter. They also want me to go to the conference, so I will see if I can spare any time from my work to sit in on a session of interest.
Work was good - I had those coworkers proofread for me a while back and those suggestions have been taken into consideration- but now after making slideshow - it is really helpful and I am making more changes myself to improve report. It is becoming quite concise also. These 2 pgs. with some of my village profile have 6 graphs and commentary to explain the data . . . 6 graphs on 2 pgs! Man, I am learning to shrink and make it fit! You see b/c a new chapter of report needs to start on a new pg. but I don't like to have any gaps so a little fanangling needs to be done :) Anyway. . .
I met another great man at work today. He is going to miss my seminar on Fri. b/c he leaves for a trip tomorrow but took the time to explain a part of ICRISAT's Village Level Studies program to me. He was sooooo nice and I was wanting to me him too. I am sad he'll miss my report but he can read my report if he so chooses! Also found out my village investigator - the really nice man who got flown in from Delhi just to introduce me to the village - will miss my report on Friday also. (Trips, trips, what are you gonna do!?!?)
Sidenote: I have a roommate lately. He is one of those iguana/lizard things. I am not a big fan b/c he is not little enough to be cute but when I first spotted him - I told him I'd like to stay out of each others' way. He just was making some little noises so I told him to stop. It was unsettling. :) I sure like sleeping under my mosquito net! :)
I left wk. at tea time this afternoon b/c I needed to practice oral report aloud - from rm. However, I first needed to go on my tea time walk - but it was raining. So. . . even better! I came to room, deposited things, and considered changing clothes. I then realized: These clothes are already partially wet (from walk home), why not just get them really wet?!!? So then I headed off. It was awesome - and (Claire: I embraced each raindrop twice!) really really funny also. I mean, I was in work clothes and . . . it was pouring. So I got soaked. Some people I saw were under this overhang waiting it out - and me - this crazy, looney, whitey, is just splashing along in the muddy puddles getting more drenched by the second. (Just for the record - I was wearing good clothes for it - brown peculiar pants and a tan cotton shirt - and (Mom's) sandals.) Thanks Mom! Those sandals have been the best best best!
It was a great walk - and then I came back and practiced presentation. My voice couldn't last through whole thing. I gotta start talking more around here or something. Maybe less. . . :)
Yeah, now I am just doing the nightly routine! ROUTINE! That will be changing soon enough :( And I am a fan of my busy little schedules! Gonna shower before supper and then I am hoping to get to bed much much earlier tonight! I will look a little nicer in the morn if I meet any more bigwigs around here! (BTW!!! Apparently all the flags were up @ ICRISAT - and still are - not for the conference - but for the PRIME MINISTER OF A.P. (ANDHRA PRADESH!!!!) Man, what I would do to get to see/meet with him!!! It is very allusive though - no one knows where he is or why. Well. . . no piddly-diddly interns I mean :)
I'm off then - if I think of any more enlightening news or excitement, I will be sure to let you know. . . OH YEAH! So Lisa just told me that Claire got bumped up to 1st class on the ride home! 1st class! Boy oh boy - some have all the luck! Well, I guess I have some pretty awesome travel thus far. I am excited for next international travel. I will be shock - absolute shock perhaps - leaving here, but maybe I can enjoy the travel still. Int. travel is my favorite, but this will be my 1st experience coming home from int. trip. . . so idk what that one will be like!
Alrighty then. . . More later!!
<3 Leah
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Breathtaking Day in India
And on to today. . .
It was simply one of a kind. The sun, the air, the weather, the trees, the flowers. Oh my. I cannot explain how the warm wind carried the aroma of the freshly blooming white, purple, and pink flowers to my nostrils and filled my whole body with the calming and fulfilling scent. It was priceless.
I woke up early this morn., went through my oral presentation before breakfast, then after b-fast went on a great walk after getting my things set up in the office before office hours began b/c it was just soooooo beautiful from the get-go, I couldn't stay inside. I went on 3 more walks then before the end of the work day and then went on another tonight with my friend Christen. We went to one of the lakes on campus before supper to watch the sunset. It was so so so beautiful. Christen also came with me on one of my walks today during morning tea break and that was so nice. We even spotted a crab - just on the street!! No camera for a picture of that, but I have some real beauts from this evening you saw :)
There is so much going on right now at ICRISAT - I feel like my head is just spinning in circles. They have all the flags up on the way in to campus - and having the flags up is a really big deal! So there is this international nutrition conference. We met a man from CT actually who is here for a few days presenting at it and made friends with him at lunch yesterday. Then today at lunch some (we think European, maybe Australian) people were questioning us about getting out to see Hyderabad since we are such experts! Ha! Apparently they were cautioned against going out for some reason - but they are bound and determined to make their own way! (I wonder who told them not to b/c it was all I could do to keep everyone who I met from sending me on a plane to Delhi to see a few more sights!)
I am so appreciative of every moment here - I cannot even begin to describe the beauty. Every day I just breathe so deeply and imagine capturing it all to send home - or to bring back with me. However, a picture, a video, or any other virtual tour just cannot capture the full experience, but they do help. So I have been trying to snap like it is going out of style!
Then tonight at supper - which was so delicious - I need to take some more pictures of the food as well b/c I am really appreciating that lately also! . . . Anyway, we met another man who is here originally from Australia - but lives in Taiwan with his family at the World Vegetable Center Headquarters. That was neat b/c he heard about Claire b/c she interned there and they have been getting WFP interns for 4 yrs. now. He also knows Tamara - the WFP intern in Taiwan at his center right now! He was really nice.
However, the amount of white people on campus right now is getting a little too much for me. We are feeling bombarded by the western world right now - I guess people are flocking to ICRISAT for these big conferences going on! I talked to an Indian friend tonight from work. He is so nice and wonderful to me. He always asks about my work, my health, my happiness here in India, how my experience has been, what I have learned, and if I would like to come back when I am Dr. Leah to do some research here again. I try to shake off the "Dr." part, but say of course I would love to come back here! He is just thrilled - I guess he has met Westerners who don't want to come back, but all the Westerners I am w/ here all either plan to come back or have been here before or both! The only problem is that I always get chatting with Indians at night - outside - and of course I am the one squirming with the bites! But a few bites are worth a wonderful chat - so it is a payoff :)
Alright - I need to go to bed now now now - gonna wake up early and hope to do a run-through of slides and maybe a call home to B-town, IA.
So Long!
Monday, August 9, 2010
A beautiful Indian Morn :)
Well, now it is Tuesday morn and I will be headed off to work shortly. I am so excited for Claire now - she is with family and friends - so I can tell you a bit about my day yesterday other than the most significant part! So I received my paper back from the 2 editors and I (thankfully!) don't have too many changes to be made. I still have a lot of things to change and rethink and add and reformat - but a lot of personal changes moreso. So that is a relief. I was worried about getting too many suggestions and not having sufficient time to make them!
I also prepared my oral presentation - or a rough form of it - and then I ended up meeting with my mentor about it. And then, I ended up kinda having to present it to her! So I was sure happy I worked on it over the weekend! Now I have changes to be made to that as well - I have no idea how I will fit in all I want to talk about! I already just over 30 slides, when many have recommended me to have about 15 for my 30 min. presentation b/c then the 30 min. of ?'s come next. However, my mentor wants some more added in - so add I will! It is hard b/c you spend 2 mos. on something, write upwards of 30 pgs. on something, and then need to synthesize it for everyone in 30 min. or less! But it is a good challenge and I am always up for those!
So it is absolutely gorgeous this morning - although a mosquito bit me while I ate my breakfast this morning - the nerve! "Ahhhh," I am off to enjoy another great fantastic wonderful and beautiful Indian day!
Good night Iowa ;)
I also prepared my oral presentation - or a rough form of it - and then I ended up meeting with my mentor about it. And then, I ended up kinda having to present it to her! So I was sure happy I worked on it over the weekend! Now I have changes to be made to that as well - I have no idea how I will fit in all I want to talk about! I already just over 30 slides, when many have recommended me to have about 15 for my 30 min. presentation b/c then the 30 min. of ?'s come next. However, my mentor wants some more added in - so add I will! It is hard b/c you spend 2 mos. on something, write upwards of 30 pgs. on something, and then need to synthesize it for everyone in 30 min. or less! But it is a good challenge and I am always up for those!
So it is absolutely gorgeous this morning - although a mosquito bit me while I ate my breakfast this morning - the nerve! "Ahhhh," I am off to enjoy another great fantastic wonderful and beautiful Indian day!
Good night Iowa ;)
Claire is gone. . . gone . . . gone. . .
So Claire left tonight. And it was really really really emotional and sad. For all of us - Charlie, Sol, Sarah, and Christen. Although, I would have to say some of the open emotions came the girls. For Charlie, Claire leaving just wasn't as moving as Avatar!! Ha-ha! Just kidding - he was just saving the tears :) So, I had a million things happen today, but after Claire left, none of that really matters anymore because there are 2 different types of mattering. Things that matter and then things that you can really feel that matter. And I can really feel that Claire has left, so I decided to dedicate this blog to you, Claire. When you read this, you will be in the U.S. - considering even if you caught wireless somewhere - the netbook "crapped out" as you so eloquently put!!!
Dear Claire,
The reason I feel so empty isn't because I just said goodbye to a best friend - because it is. It isn't because I am going to miss you - because I am. It isn't because you have become my family in only 7 wks. of being together - because you did. But, Claire, I don't know, I guess it is just a combination of everything. It is the fact that I became so close with you, Claire - and when we were together, of course I never really thought of us being apart. It hurts so much just because I love you and love being with you and I of course did not want you to leave. It is not that you are going half the world away, but it is just that you are leaving this home . . . our home . . . ICRISAT.
I never thought ahead to the goodbye scene - or the fact that you would actually leave and I would actually need to say goodbye to you. I mean, it was always just a fact that you would leave a week before me and that was fine. That was the plan. But then feelings came into the mix. . .
Claire, I am so happy to have met you. I think the world of you. You are such a beautiful and wonderful and fun and spontaneous and caring person. I am so happy for you to be going home to your friends and your family that love you and miss you so much. Know that we will love and miss you so much as well. And I don't usually express emotions in front of others - and you usually don't cry when leaving places, but we both know that all went out the window tonight.
So, when I wake up tomorrow, I won't wait for you to go to breakfast - but I will think of you. And when I see strange fictional meditating men on the roof (hahahha!!!!) I won't come and wake you up - and you won't need to be so nice - even though I seriously just woke you up for fictional meditating men. And when I get 5 and a half hrs. of homework for one night and don't start until 10 o'clock at night b/c of supper and life, I won't get to watch you peacefully slumber during our sleepover (b/c once again, you saved me from a "sceerrry sicheation"!! :)). And when it monsoons outside, we won't frolick like wild banshees while the strangers watch from under the shelter, but I will appreciate every drop double - once for me and once for you. And when I am sick - well, I won't get sick again, but, yeah, I won't keep going with that one. You were just the best and the kindest and the most awesome visiting nurse around.
When we had our first great chat in the pool and our times trying to get the perfect toe-touch shot and the 4th of July celebration - and - and - and. . . the list goes on. We have had amazing times together. The reason it was so hard to say goodbye was because you really left. Left after like 2 months together - and I would have been happy w/ you as my neighbor and practically roomie for what seems like forever. You know, now you will go to college and I will go to college - and we won't bbe able to be there for each other. But it feels like we should be. Like just a few steps away will be the most wonderful person I can think of to talk to. So Claire, I am sad it is over because I will be happy forever that it happened.
I want all the best for you. And I am praying for you to meet some cool people, get some good sleep, travel safely (and hopefully painlessly on the planes), see all that is awaiting you in Iowa. . . I can't wait to get the details of life back home - and food - and friends - and fun. The American meals you have - the fresh veggies from the farm. Claire, life is crazy. How it makes you pick up and move just when you were settled down. With your schedule - your life - your friends who double as family. Your home. So, I am feeling "uggh" right now and better brush my teeth and decide what to do with myself. I will be seeing you again and I am excited for that. Since we can't be with each other at college, I hope to at least visit each other.
Tonight, I stopped by the throne and of course the mosquitoes would need to come attack - 2 at once - bombarded. I was going to kill them, but then was just so sad that I will have to kill all the mosquitoes myself now - I just cried!! And then . . . I made you proud. And I got 'em. Both. Not before one got me - and there was still one left - but I said, "Well, what's the point? I can't kill 'em for Claire anymore - now it is just me." I can play sly avoidance - or lose blood trying! So, I just know you are proud in your heart even though I couldn't celebrate with you.
I hope you are ok now and will be happy soon and enjoy being at your old home too. You will love to see everyone I just know. I love you Claire. I will keep in touch. You are one heck of an awesome person.
Thank you more than thank you can ever say.
Loads of Love Indian fam,
Leah Marie Abigail Lucas
. . . till the WFP Conference in October it is!. . . when we will . . . REUNITE!! WHOO-HOO! :)
Dear Claire,
The reason I feel so empty isn't because I just said goodbye to a best friend - because it is. It isn't because I am going to miss you - because I am. It isn't because you have become my family in only 7 wks. of being together - because you did. But, Claire, I don't know, I guess it is just a combination of everything. It is the fact that I became so close with you, Claire - and when we were together, of course I never really thought of us being apart. It hurts so much just because I love you and love being with you and I of course did not want you to leave. It is not that you are going half the world away, but it is just that you are leaving this home . . . our home . . . ICRISAT.
I never thought ahead to the goodbye scene - or the fact that you would actually leave and I would actually need to say goodbye to you. I mean, it was always just a fact that you would leave a week before me and that was fine. That was the plan. But then feelings came into the mix. . .
Claire, I am so happy to have met you. I think the world of you. You are such a beautiful and wonderful and fun and spontaneous and caring person. I am so happy for you to be going home to your friends and your family that love you and miss you so much. Know that we will love and miss you so much as well. And I don't usually express emotions in front of others - and you usually don't cry when leaving places, but we both know that all went out the window tonight.
So, when I wake up tomorrow, I won't wait for you to go to breakfast - but I will think of you. And when I see strange fictional meditating men on the roof (hahahha!!!!) I won't come and wake you up - and you won't need to be so nice - even though I seriously just woke you up for fictional meditating men. And when I get 5 and a half hrs. of homework for one night and don't start until 10 o'clock at night b/c of supper and life, I won't get to watch you peacefully slumber during our sleepover (b/c once again, you saved me from a "sceerrry sicheation"!! :)). And when it monsoons outside, we won't frolick like wild banshees while the strangers watch from under the shelter, but I will appreciate every drop double - once for me and once for you. And when I am sick - well, I won't get sick again, but, yeah, I won't keep going with that one. You were just the best and the kindest and the most awesome visiting nurse around.
When we had our first great chat in the pool and our times trying to get the perfect toe-touch shot and the 4th of July celebration - and - and - and. . . the list goes on. We have had amazing times together. The reason it was so hard to say goodbye was because you really left. Left after like 2 months together - and I would have been happy w/ you as my neighbor and practically roomie for what seems like forever. You know, now you will go to college and I will go to college - and we won't bbe able to be there for each other. But it feels like we should be. Like just a few steps away will be the most wonderful person I can think of to talk to. So Claire, I am sad it is over because I will be happy forever that it happened.
I want all the best for you. And I am praying for you to meet some cool people, get some good sleep, travel safely (and hopefully painlessly on the planes), see all that is awaiting you in Iowa. . . I can't wait to get the details of life back home - and food - and friends - and fun. The American meals you have - the fresh veggies from the farm. Claire, life is crazy. How it makes you pick up and move just when you were settled down. With your schedule - your life - your friends who double as family. Your home. So, I am feeling "uggh" right now and better brush my teeth and decide what to do with myself. I will be seeing you again and I am excited for that. Since we can't be with each other at college, I hope to at least visit each other.
Tonight, I stopped by the throne and of course the mosquitoes would need to come attack - 2 at once - bombarded. I was going to kill them, but then was just so sad that I will have to kill all the mosquitoes myself now - I just cried!! And then . . . I made you proud. And I got 'em. Both. Not before one got me - and there was still one left - but I said, "Well, what's the point? I can't kill 'em for Claire anymore - now it is just me." I can play sly avoidance - or lose blood trying! So, I just know you are proud in your heart even though I couldn't celebrate with you.
I hope you are ok now and will be happy soon and enjoy being at your old home too. You will love to see everyone I just know. I love you Claire. I will keep in touch. You are one heck of an awesome person.
Thank you more than thank you can ever say.
Loads of Love Indian fam,
Leah Marie Abigail Lucas
. . . till the WFP Conference in October it is!. . . when we will . . . REUNITE!! WHOO-HOO! :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Can I get a woop-woop for Catholic Mass? "Woop-woop!!"
So, this morning we had the time down pat - 8:30 and went on time - rather than at 9:30 like last week! You see, in the city, the church time is 9:30 and my friend, Hector, was in the Phillipines on a home visit for 5 wks. recently. Anyway, Hector called this morning to be sure I would like to come and OF COURSE I was EAGERLY ANTICIPATING going!! I asked if I could bring a friend b/c Christen had expressed interest in coming also. (She is from a Catholic family.) So, he was like, "Sure, sure, I have a big car!" And Claire said she may be interested in going also so I knocked on her door, woke her up, and she ended up coming with us as well!! It was great - the 3 muskuteers once again!!!
Let me begin by saying that out of all of the amazing, wonderful, joyous, unique, interesting, fantastic cultural, learning, and life experiences I have had in India - this was the absolute best!!! ######## 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrating the Mass was surreal - it was like coming home again from a long journey I have taken. Like finding water in a desert. I cannot even speak of the depths of the spiritual fulfillment I experienced, so instead, I will tell you some of the details of the wonderous Mass . . .
So, the Mass was (I don't know - I didn't notice the time ever) but Hector said - around 1.5 hrs. This is typical, the Sunday masses are really used as a time to teach the catechism. The priest begins with an introduction of what the mass is focusing on - delves in deeper during the homily - and then gives a short reflection at the end. The singing was beautiful - it felt like we were raising the roof of the church! And I was so excited to know a lot of the songs! (We were obviously at the English mass - they have one in Hindi as well!) So, during sign of peace, it was cool. We didn't shake hands but bowed to one another. It was less drawn-out than at home and more reverent.
During Our Father, we did not hold hands but had our hands in "praying position" - like the priest. During communion, women go first and then men. We sat/kneeled and stood on the floor in the front of church - although there were seats in the back - but that floor was hard like marble for kneeling and full when we arrived. It was a PACKED house. During one part of mass, the kids all move up and stand around the altar. So then we had some more room and moved up a bit. One time the priest said to some boys not to lean up against the wall :)
The church is small and beautiful!! I hope to bring my camera in pocket next time to get some pictures after/before church to share. It was such such such a wonderful experience. The homily was fantastic - and the whole focus of the Mass. It was on faith - having faith - what faith means, and how faith comes from the written word of God - the Holy Bible. He also then spoke of how yes we all have doubts and times of spiritual darkness - spoke of Mother Theresa here too! But how having faith and living faith are two different things. How we are not only called to have faith, but to live it at all times. To live our Christian faith as Jesus called us to. To follow the difficult teachings that we believe and cherish as the word of God. And in order to increase our faith and build/grow stronger in faith, we have to spend time in scripture daily. And about prayers to God being answered - maybe not the answer we want - maybe not when we want, but they are answered by God by giving us what is the best for us to have. God knows us better than we know ourselves, or our friends or our family. These were great great great things for me to here. It is really calming and exciting to knowthat God has plans in mind for my life, and by following His willnis how I can feel most fulfilled and be happiest.
He spoke of an inspirational couple he met when he was in seminary, they were so faithful. The tradition is that after a priest is ordained, all the people kiss his hands b/c they have been anointed with the holy oils. The tradition is that the men kiss the hands first, but in his case, the wife of that faithful couple ran up to him and asked to be the 1st one to kiss his hands and he let her! Then she asked to be prayed over and he prayed over her with the holy oils! I was so happy to see such chivalry in church - how women went to communion first - and also, all of our readers in church were women - which I was so happy about!! :)
It was such an emotional and moving experience for me this morning. The women (some) wore the shawls on their heads, we took off our shoes at the door out of respect, and the people were just so faithful. It was so inspiring. Hector was telling me how the Catholic Christians are so strong - really strong around here. And this is b/c when you are such a minority, if you truly believe in something, if you are deliberately choosing to live outside the norm, then you must feel very convicted. The way that all of the women around me participated in and really celebrated the mass - reverently and humbly - was awe-inspiring. I thought to myself, "They really get it! They really get it!"
I am so excited to go back next week! Can't wait until then :) God has also worked through this time of absence from actually being at the Mass for me, though. (Much different than virtual Mass to actually be there!!) It is great to know my priorities and experience when I am the happiest and most at peace for the future - both in college and beyond.
So now it is officially Claire's last night staying here at ICRISAT with us. She leaves tomorrow night! Crazy stuff, huh?! So we packed her up today - rolling rolling rolling clothes to fit them all in! She fit all in one bag to check in on the way here, but then got tons of souvenirs for fam. and friends and . . . well . . . let's just say there was concerns about the everything fitting piece of the puzzle! But we expertly teamed up and had no problems! (She is leaving all toiletries and stuff here - so that is quite helpful!!) I can't really believe she is going, but I am so happy for her. It isn't making me cry or anything (yet! :) ) just because this is just part of the experience. Say hello - spend amazing and unforgettable times together and say goodbye. (Hopefully a "see you down the road" type of goodbye - I mean, especially for Claire and I! Duh - the Youth Institute!! So that will be terribly exciting to see her again there and swap all of our first college experiences! Oh boy :) So pretty much I am just overjoyed for her right now - a successful completion of her mission this summer. Couldn't have asked for a better more wonderful person to be here with me.
Also, a weird twist to this is that her being packed up and literally LEAVING tomorrow night (I had to put that in all caps to try to make it more real!) really puts things in perspective for me. I have my priority list, my to-do list, and have pretty much checked off most things. Now I will be focusing on the successful completion of my internship - my approaching seminar presentation - thanking everyone possible!! And before I know it, it will be my time. I have begun to put some things in suitcases - not b/c I am not wanting to be here or anything like that, but just to get organized and focused and really acknowledge these changes that are occurring. Like it or not, this awesome opportunity is coming to a close and it has been indescribable. In a week's time, I will feel very accomplished with all that I have done here also. So, I need to work on my presentation tonight to meet with my mentor tomorrow about it - then maybe spend some quality time with Claire - hug her before bed!!!! And rest for what is sure to be a great last week.
Let me begin by saying that out of all of the amazing, wonderful, joyous, unique, interesting, fantastic cultural, learning, and life experiences I have had in India - this was the absolute best!!! ######## 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrating the Mass was surreal - it was like coming home again from a long journey I have taken. Like finding water in a desert. I cannot even speak of the depths of the spiritual fulfillment I experienced, so instead, I will tell you some of the details of the wonderous Mass . . .
So, the Mass was (I don't know - I didn't notice the time ever) but Hector said - around 1.5 hrs. This is typical, the Sunday masses are really used as a time to teach the catechism. The priest begins with an introduction of what the mass is focusing on - delves in deeper during the homily - and then gives a short reflection at the end. The singing was beautiful - it felt like we were raising the roof of the church! And I was so excited to know a lot of the songs! (We were obviously at the English mass - they have one in Hindi as well!) So, during sign of peace, it was cool. We didn't shake hands but bowed to one another. It was less drawn-out than at home and more reverent.
During Our Father, we did not hold hands but had our hands in "praying position" - like the priest. During communion, women go first and then men. We sat/kneeled and stood on the floor in the front of church - although there were seats in the back - but that floor was hard like marble for kneeling and full when we arrived. It was a PACKED house. During one part of mass, the kids all move up and stand around the altar. So then we had some more room and moved up a bit. One time the priest said to some boys not to lean up against the wall :)
The church is small and beautiful!! I hope to bring my camera in pocket next time to get some pictures after/before church to share. It was such such such a wonderful experience. The homily was fantastic - and the whole focus of the Mass. It was on faith - having faith - what faith means, and how faith comes from the written word of God - the Holy Bible. He also then spoke of how yes we all have doubts and times of spiritual darkness - spoke of Mother Theresa here too! But how having faith and living faith are two different things. How we are not only called to have faith, but to live it at all times. To live our Christian faith as Jesus called us to. To follow the difficult teachings that we believe and cherish as the word of God. And in order to increase our faith and build/grow stronger in faith, we have to spend time in scripture daily. And about prayers to God being answered - maybe not the answer we want - maybe not when we want, but they are answered by God by giving us what is the best for us to have. God knows us better than we know ourselves, or our friends or our family. These were great great great things for me to here. It is really calming and exciting to knowthat God has plans in mind for my life, and by following His willnis how I can feel most fulfilled and be happiest.
He spoke of an inspirational couple he met when he was in seminary, they were so faithful. The tradition is that after a priest is ordained, all the people kiss his hands b/c they have been anointed with the holy oils. The tradition is that the men kiss the hands first, but in his case, the wife of that faithful couple ran up to him and asked to be the 1st one to kiss his hands and he let her! Then she asked to be prayed over and he prayed over her with the holy oils! I was so happy to see such chivalry in church - how women went to communion first - and also, all of our readers in church were women - which I was so happy about!! :)
It was such an emotional and moving experience for me this morning. The women (some) wore the shawls on their heads, we took off our shoes at the door out of respect, and the people were just so faithful. It was so inspiring. Hector was telling me how the Catholic Christians are so strong - really strong around here. And this is b/c when you are such a minority, if you truly believe in something, if you are deliberately choosing to live outside the norm, then you must feel very convicted. The way that all of the women around me participated in and really celebrated the mass - reverently and humbly - was awe-inspiring. I thought to myself, "They really get it! They really get it!"
I am so excited to go back next week! Can't wait until then :) God has also worked through this time of absence from actually being at the Mass for me, though. (Much different than virtual Mass to actually be there!!) It is great to know my priorities and experience when I am the happiest and most at peace for the future - both in college and beyond.
So now it is officially Claire's last night staying here at ICRISAT with us. She leaves tomorrow night! Crazy stuff, huh?! So we packed her up today - rolling rolling rolling clothes to fit them all in! She fit all in one bag to check in on the way here, but then got tons of souvenirs for fam. and friends and . . . well . . . let's just say there was concerns about the everything fitting piece of the puzzle! But we expertly teamed up and had no problems! (She is leaving all toiletries and stuff here - so that is quite helpful!!) I can't really believe she is going, but I am so happy for her. It isn't making me cry or anything (yet! :) ) just because this is just part of the experience. Say hello - spend amazing and unforgettable times together and say goodbye. (Hopefully a "see you down the road" type of goodbye - I mean, especially for Claire and I! Duh - the Youth Institute!! So that will be terribly exciting to see her again there and swap all of our first college experiences! Oh boy :) So pretty much I am just overjoyed for her right now - a successful completion of her mission this summer. Couldn't have asked for a better more wonderful person to be here with me.
Also, a weird twist to this is that her being packed up and literally LEAVING tomorrow night (I had to put that in all caps to try to make it more real!) really puts things in perspective for me. I have my priority list, my to-do list, and have pretty much checked off most things. Now I will be focusing on the successful completion of my internship - my approaching seminar presentation - thanking everyone possible!! And before I know it, it will be my time. I have begun to put some things in suitcases - not b/c I am not wanting to be here or anything like that, but just to get organized and focused and really acknowledge these changes that are occurring. Like it or not, this awesome opportunity is coming to a close and it has been indescribable. In a week's time, I will feel very accomplished with all that I have done here also. So, I need to work on my presentation tonight to meet with my mentor tomorrow about it - then maybe spend some quality time with Claire - hug her before bed!!!! And rest for what is sure to be a great last week.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A big 'ol busy day away from ICRISAT. . .
So today we headed to the Shoparamum market - Claire, Christen, VISHNU, and I. You may be curious who VISHNU is, so lemme tell ya! He is my driver from the village visit to the Akola district of Maharashtra. And sooo sooo sooo wonderful! I could have died upon laying eyes upon him in the vehicle - it was miraculous! I wanted to see him again so much! I now have his email and also gave him a gift from Iowa. He was estatic!
I came back to ICRISAT w/ him after our adventures were through n Claire and Christen met some of our other friends in city later on, so Vishnu and I got to catch up on the way back. I heard some of his life story - it is incredible - I will share sometime. He is very happy w/ his life and job now. And a new baby in 2 months! His wife is beautiful - I met her after the village visit when he took us to his house! Anyway, he talked of how he won't forget me. He loved how I played with the kids in the village. He asked how I got to come on this scholarship program, so I told him some things I was involved in during high school. He was impressed I taught kids at church and then I talked to him about what I taught them - about Jesus and the Christian, and Catholic faith. It was so neat to share. He saw the passion of the Christ so knew what I spoke of and told me how he cried when he saw it - it was so horrible. The amount of respect people have for different religions here is something I feel is sorely lacking in many places back home. Although the rifts b/w the Hindus/Muslims and other religious factions do continue on. . . in my experiences - I have shared mutual respect and appreciation with others.
The day was successful, great, exhausting, fun, heart-wrenching, and guilt-tripping as usual when touring Hyderabad, but all in all - it was great. Some of the big things that stand out to me from today:
1 - Woke up at usual time - 6:00 sharp - Saturday or no Saturday :)
2 - Headed out after an early and quick lunch to the city
3 - You pay a small fee to get into the Shoparamum place and then there are all of these things there to do and see. There are vendors, a village museum thing, and more.
4 - It is a little overwhelming how many people want you to buy many things and don't comprehend you really don't have a million bucks to go with the foreigner skin! But people are pretty respectful and you learn how to handle yourself.
5 - The neatest thing was that there were a lot of people there selling things whose family actually hand-crafted the items. There are a lot that are just commercially made also, but it was really cool to see the homemade and hand-stitched wonders.
6 - We wonder what the income is of the sellers we met today.
7 - In Indian traffic, people walk around telling umbrellas, balloons, etc. One girl pinpointed me as a target and came over knocking on window. She was just a small girl and it was so horrible. So horrible. She made these hungry faces and grimaced as she put her hand to her mouth motioning for food. Vishnu, our driver just smiled and said she was acting, but I was like, "How do we know if she is acting or not? We cannot feel her stomach."
8 - I resolved to always keep food w/ me now if going out. I don't like to give money out so much but I love to give food out.
9 - Some other boys bombarded us when leaving the market - wanting money. I felt so bad - Christen gave one a couple of coins - but the whole scene just bothers me so much. I don't like the begging - but what can you expect of people living in despicable poverty? The disgrace isn't that they beg but that they need to beg at all. It is such a dehumanizing activity. I don't like the way people beg and how if you give money they just want more and would surround us if we didn't have a great driver ready for us. I just wanted to hear a thank-you or something, but once again, what can you expect? People to be civil and socialized about trying to secure their most basic needs? It is also always hard to know if people are acting or truly poor. And if you misjudge, well, that is too bad. Someone goes hungry. That is why I think giving out food is a good option b/c you are helping them, but I don't mind giving out food at all - I would like that more. The phrase, "Whatsoever you do for the least of my people, that you do unto me" is just haunting me. It is like, I got this pic. with Mother Theresa statue today and then am put in all of these ethical dilemmas - WWMTD when in all of my situations? I sadly don't know. So, much to think about and emotions to sift through and decisions/commitments to be made. I better do some more reading of my mother theresa book.
Alright, a good and big day was had by all. (When I got back to ICRISAT, then I had a couple of hours of figuring out internet problems w/ technical staff here. So if I ever disappear from blog world, you know why!) So, still no shower now - ughh - after our big day too :) Better be off to do that now. Check out some pics from today if you like!
I came back to ICRISAT w/ him after our adventures were through n Claire and Christen met some of our other friends in city later on, so Vishnu and I got to catch up on the way back. I heard some of his life story - it is incredible - I will share sometime. He is very happy w/ his life and job now. And a new baby in 2 months! His wife is beautiful - I met her after the village visit when he took us to his house! Anyway, he talked of how he won't forget me. He loved how I played with the kids in the village. He asked how I got to come on this scholarship program, so I told him some things I was involved in during high school. He was impressed I taught kids at church and then I talked to him about what I taught them - about Jesus and the Christian, and Catholic faith. It was so neat to share. He saw the passion of the Christ so knew what I spoke of and told me how he cried when he saw it - it was so horrible. The amount of respect people have for different religions here is something I feel is sorely lacking in many places back home. Although the rifts b/w the Hindus/Muslims and other religious factions do continue on. . . in my experiences - I have shared mutual respect and appreciation with others.
The day was successful, great, exhausting, fun, heart-wrenching, and guilt-tripping as usual when touring Hyderabad, but all in all - it was great. Some of the big things that stand out to me from today:
1 - Woke up at usual time - 6:00 sharp - Saturday or no Saturday :)
2 - Headed out after an early and quick lunch to the city
3 - You pay a small fee to get into the Shoparamum place and then there are all of these things there to do and see. There are vendors, a village museum thing, and more.
4 - It is a little overwhelming how many people want you to buy many things and don't comprehend you really don't have a million bucks to go with the foreigner skin! But people are pretty respectful and you learn how to handle yourself.
5 - The neatest thing was that there were a lot of people there selling things whose family actually hand-crafted the items. There are a lot that are just commercially made also, but it was really cool to see the homemade and hand-stitched wonders.
6 - We wonder what the income is of the sellers we met today.
7 - In Indian traffic, people walk around telling umbrellas, balloons, etc. One girl pinpointed me as a target and came over knocking on window. She was just a small girl and it was so horrible. So horrible. She made these hungry faces and grimaced as she put her hand to her mouth motioning for food. Vishnu, our driver just smiled and said she was acting, but I was like, "How do we know if she is acting or not? We cannot feel her stomach."
8 - I resolved to always keep food w/ me now if going out. I don't like to give money out so much but I love to give food out.
9 - Some other boys bombarded us when leaving the market - wanting money. I felt so bad - Christen gave one a couple of coins - but the whole scene just bothers me so much. I don't like the begging - but what can you expect of people living in despicable poverty? The disgrace isn't that they beg but that they need to beg at all. It is such a dehumanizing activity. I don't like the way people beg and how if you give money they just want more and would surround us if we didn't have a great driver ready for us. I just wanted to hear a thank-you or something, but once again, what can you expect? People to be civil and socialized about trying to secure their most basic needs? It is also always hard to know if people are acting or truly poor. And if you misjudge, well, that is too bad. Someone goes hungry. That is why I think giving out food is a good option b/c you are helping them, but I don't mind giving out food at all - I would like that more. The phrase, "Whatsoever you do for the least of my people, that you do unto me" is just haunting me. It is like, I got this pic. with Mother Theresa statue today and then am put in all of these ethical dilemmas - WWMTD when in all of my situations? I sadly don't know. So, much to think about and emotions to sift through and decisions/commitments to be made. I better do some more reading of my mother theresa book.
Alright, a good and big day was had by all. (When I got back to ICRISAT, then I had a couple of hours of figuring out internet problems w/ technical staff here. So if I ever disappear from blog world, you know why!) So, still no shower now - ughh - after our big day too :) Better be off to do that now. Check out some pics from today if you like!
Friday, August 6, 2010
A trip to the cotton fields, Pioneer, and Dupont seed and research facilities . . .
Wowee - boy do I have a lot to tell you! Today we went with such nice people on a roundabout tour all around (well w/in 2 hrs.) of Hyderabad. It was a great day! Very exhausting, but great all the same. We learned a ton about agriculture, cotton, rice, Bt crops. . . Pioneer, Dupont, and of course - India - as always. Ambassador Quinn set up this whole tour possibility for us - and it dominoed from there. So Claire and I got to go and then Christen, our CA friend, got to accompany us. It was a fun day - and a great change in pace also! We got to first go to the cotton farms, next the Pioneer seed facilities, and lastly, the DuPont research center.
So, first things first. This morn., I had a great filling b-fast of omelete w/ tomatoes 'n onions, hardboiled egg n a chapati. (Chapati = not typical Indian b-fast food at all, but I get an extra at supper to go if they have 'em so I can have it with my omelete roll-up style!) :) Then we got a phone call from Christen that the car was here early - so we rushed on up and headed out for what was sure to be a day full of new experiences. We began by meeting the HR personnel from Pioneer who came along to pick us up (a driver always drives here) and then was with us throughout the entire day. He was so nice! (Although, we first needed to find where they were parked before getting off campus!) Anyway, soon enough we were on our way!
We first went to the cotton fields - which I didn't know if it would be all that stimulating. Well, I was wrong! The fields were my favorite part! We asked a hundred questions and got to see so much - not to mention our hilarious garb and stomping through all that mud was a good workout! We stayed here about 1/2 hr. long - throwing off our meticulously planned schedule, but we made up for it later. (It was so lucky we came in the morn. when it was beginning to rain, b/c if we would have gone here in the afternoon instead, we woulda been slipping and sliding in that mud mess!)
Some observations from the farm:
1) Lots of laborers are employed here - I did the little bow thing to one of them and she did it right back to me!! It was so cool - it is like, when you are visiting another country, you really don't need to embrace, appreciate, or respect their culture at all. But, honestly, you will never truly experience the country if you don't. I didn't need to do the little bow thing to her, but she was just tickled I did! That was heart-warming :)
2) Our tour guides were awesome. So so so wonderful and open to answering alllllll of our questions. They didn't expect us to be any experts on cotton or anything and explained even basic things like how the crop pollinates. They were simply wonderful.
3) I loved to see the true genetic varietals here. These cotton crops we got to see in the diff. varieties part of the farm are crops w/ diff. resistances already intact from Mother Nature! Some require very little water, depending on where they are intended for and originated from. We saw some for Asia, N. America, a special Egytian variety, etc. It was so cool how big and beautiful and unique they all were. I love the different varieties - makes me think of home. Thinking of the great day we had at SeedSavers in Decorah with Mom, Dad, Nan, and Caleb :)
4) They have just signed deal to partner w/ Monsanto and introduce Round-up into the genes. . . there are resistances beginning in the US to Round-up b/c of its overuseage and now India will follow in our misguided footsteps.
5) Mechanization is something they predict in the next 10 to 15 yrs. for India. That means no more laborers in fields, closer crops, harvested by machines. . . my concern is: #1, yes, there exists a trend moving from ag. work to industrial work or urban migration in India, but people still need jobs! And mechanization limits that possibility. #2, where are the farmers going to get the access to collateral/credit to afford mechanization?!!? Tractors!?!? Farmers in India are happy to have 1 acre to farm. Mechanization would mean that the farmers will be left with no choice but to lease out their land to corporations. And then we get these corporate farms which we have seen take over the U.S. The richness of India's agriculture and an integral part of their culture - especially in Indian villages - is how close the food is to the farmers. Subsistence agriculture is beautiful, but now will be headed in a new direction. A sad direction I am afraid.
6) After taking off my mud boots and putting my sandals back on, my legs got 10x lighter!! That was a cool feeling! We sadly returned our garb, thanked the kind man, and headed onto the next place.
We headed to Pioneer Seed - where you will see no - NO - no pictures from b/c cameras were strictly prohibited. They made sure we left those all in the vehicle! Boo-hoo. Claire suspected we would run into that dilemma. She was right! Anyway, you really missed some priceless photos b/c we got donned w/ helmets, face masks, goggles, gloves, and Pioneer umbrellas of course. Not to mention I realized after the entire tour that I had this hair which was sticking out horizontal b/c of the goggles the whole time! No wonder we go those looks. . . no, I guess that was probably b/c of the 3 white girls parading around!
Thoughts from Pioneer:
1) Everyone working here really believes in what they are doing. One man w/ us has been here for 18 yrs., another scientist we met: 24 yrs. They describe it as a family business - very different from most. Informal - they wear button-ups but not ties. . .
2) It was big! and interesting! We had such a great tour guide - traipsing all around with our trusty umbrellas. No sunshine to worry about on this field trip day!
3) We saw the packaging of seed bags. Very interesting. So the bags are packaged in these smaller bags and then 10 bags are put into one standard feed bag. Because of the ag. practices in India (small-holder farms), the marketing of course needs to be different. A large farmer may need more (like normal sized bag), but for the smaller ones, they will cut open big bags and sell the smaller ones at the market.
4) They got us Domino pizza for lunch!! Awww, it was so sweet - b/c we are from U.S.! I actually had packed a lunch from ICRISAT - and was happy I did b/c I don't think Dominoes is too conducive to boosting immune system! They were actually happy to see me eating packed lunch b/c it was Indian food of course!! They were glad we all enjoy the Indian cuisine so much. I really enjoyed our tour guide - he was so so nice!
5) Back on schedule and headed to DuPont!
Here at DuPont - cameras were not on the sign for prohibited items, although after reviewing the list, Claire had to leave her taser in the vehicle. So I pulled out my cam., and took a couple great pics. of the DuPont building. Then they through us in the chamber. Well, they thought about it. In reality, the others just promised to take no pics. and they let us keep our cameras. We actually only got to see a conference room here - so I don't know how many deep dark secrets I could have found! But we got to meet the director of the whole DuPont and he was a really nice, personable man.
Thoughts from DuPont:
1) Well here we really talked the most about GM crops vs. varietals and had some interesting discourse. Or rather, we listened to 1.5 hr. presentation and then had 0.5 hrs. to ask ?'s. We asked some good ones all right.
2) Two I asked dealt w/ my research study. In my state and district of Maharashtra, India, farmer suicides are a huge issue. There have been failures of Bt cotton. So what happened is everyone pushed Bt cotton - telling farmers this Bt cotton was the cure-all solution to whatever ailed their crop. In reality, Bt cotton protects from 1 pest. Just 1. So this propoganda was pushed, farmers took the bait and risked their livelihoods to invest in Bt cotton. This meant more loans and then when Bt cotton failed, they had even greater debt, etc., etc. + other factors, bleak situation, suicide. He actually was one of the people who brought Bt cotton to India - so that was interesting to hear his approach. :)
3) My farmers spoke of how the ancient varietals could be stored for a few more yrs. than the GM crops, but now the surplus crops will spoil sooner. I didn't get a comment on this ?, but we were running short on time and we were ready to head back to ICRISAT anyway. Christen asked great ?'s also, about whether they do environmental research about implications of Bt cotton on environment. Soil degradation, etc. The answer was no. Also she asked about the decreased yields over time w/ GM crops, and we didn't get a clear answer on that. The 1st year, a 20% increase is guaranteed, but after that, no guarantees. The yield falls from there.
4) One last topic mentioned was the time factor. He explained how w/ any technology, it does not last forever. People need to buy a new washing machine, and in the same way, these GM varieties only last 6-7 yrs. before the next one needs to be introduced. That was interesting b/c seeds are something that have been around for - ev -er ! They don't seem like something that should need to be replaced like a synthetic washer should. I guess, synthetic seed. . .
5) All in all, it was a fantastic, wet, chilly, really great, informative, exciting, and quality day spent with Christen, Claire, and all those we encountered. I am so thankful to all who helped arrange this. (Like Rosana from ICRISAT and Lisa from WFP and Amb. Quinn of course. . . all from the companies too. . . ) Anyway, I was so happy Claire could come b/c it would not have been nearly as great without her! Not much is . . . Awww, sad moment. She leaves on Monday night!!
But, new news from my end of the woods. Presentation is now this upcoming week! Yikers! Big big big work to get done! And my powerpoint was going to be developed this wk, but is now going to be worked on this wkend I guess! In our correspondence, my mentor told me she is excited to see of my progress on the powerpoint on Monday. . . so . . . about that. Better make some progress, huh?!!? :)
So, busy busy girl over here. Headed to bed soon and very soon now. Tomorrow = Saturday.
Wake-up, b-fast, work on report, head out to Hyderabad, are some of the plans for the day :)
Much work and fun to be had in India.
Good Night!
p.s. Don't think I was gonna keep my picture album from today a secret from you! :)
So, first things first. This morn., I had a great filling b-fast of omelete w/ tomatoes 'n onions, hardboiled egg n a chapati. (Chapati = not typical Indian b-fast food at all, but I get an extra at supper to go if they have 'em so I can have it with my omelete roll-up style!) :) Then we got a phone call from Christen that the car was here early - so we rushed on up and headed out for what was sure to be a day full of new experiences. We began by meeting the HR personnel from Pioneer who came along to pick us up (a driver always drives here) and then was with us throughout the entire day. He was so nice! (Although, we first needed to find where they were parked before getting off campus!) Anyway, soon enough we were on our way!
We first went to the cotton fields - which I didn't know if it would be all that stimulating. Well, I was wrong! The fields were my favorite part! We asked a hundred questions and got to see so much - not to mention our hilarious garb and stomping through all that mud was a good workout! We stayed here about 1/2 hr. long - throwing off our meticulously planned schedule, but we made up for it later. (It was so lucky we came in the morn. when it was beginning to rain, b/c if we would have gone here in the afternoon instead, we woulda been slipping and sliding in that mud mess!)
Some observations from the farm:
1) Lots of laborers are employed here - I did the little bow thing to one of them and she did it right back to me!! It was so cool - it is like, when you are visiting another country, you really don't need to embrace, appreciate, or respect their culture at all. But, honestly, you will never truly experience the country if you don't. I didn't need to do the little bow thing to her, but she was just tickled I did! That was heart-warming :)
2) Our tour guides were awesome. So so so wonderful and open to answering alllllll of our questions. They didn't expect us to be any experts on cotton or anything and explained even basic things like how the crop pollinates. They were simply wonderful.
3) I loved to see the true genetic varietals here. These cotton crops we got to see in the diff. varieties part of the farm are crops w/ diff. resistances already intact from Mother Nature! Some require very little water, depending on where they are intended for and originated from. We saw some for Asia, N. America, a special Egytian variety, etc. It was so cool how big and beautiful and unique they all were. I love the different varieties - makes me think of home. Thinking of the great day we had at SeedSavers in Decorah with Mom, Dad, Nan, and Caleb :)
4) They have just signed deal to partner w/ Monsanto and introduce Round-up into the genes. . . there are resistances beginning in the US to Round-up b/c of its overuseage and now India will follow in our misguided footsteps.
5) Mechanization is something they predict in the next 10 to 15 yrs. for India. That means no more laborers in fields, closer crops, harvested by machines. . . my concern is: #1, yes, there exists a trend moving from ag. work to industrial work or urban migration in India, but people still need jobs! And mechanization limits that possibility. #2, where are the farmers going to get the access to collateral/credit to afford mechanization?!!? Tractors!?!? Farmers in India are happy to have 1 acre to farm. Mechanization would mean that the farmers will be left with no choice but to lease out their land to corporations. And then we get these corporate farms which we have seen take over the U.S. The richness of India's agriculture and an integral part of their culture - especially in Indian villages - is how close the food is to the farmers. Subsistence agriculture is beautiful, but now will be headed in a new direction. A sad direction I am afraid.
6) After taking off my mud boots and putting my sandals back on, my legs got 10x lighter!! That was a cool feeling! We sadly returned our garb, thanked the kind man, and headed onto the next place.
We headed to Pioneer Seed - where you will see no - NO - no pictures from b/c cameras were strictly prohibited. They made sure we left those all in the vehicle! Boo-hoo. Claire suspected we would run into that dilemma. She was right! Anyway, you really missed some priceless photos b/c we got donned w/ helmets, face masks, goggles, gloves, and Pioneer umbrellas of course. Not to mention I realized after the entire tour that I had this hair which was sticking out horizontal b/c of the goggles the whole time! No wonder we go those looks. . . no, I guess that was probably b/c of the 3 white girls parading around!
Thoughts from Pioneer:
1) Everyone working here really believes in what they are doing. One man w/ us has been here for 18 yrs., another scientist we met: 24 yrs. They describe it as a family business - very different from most. Informal - they wear button-ups but not ties. . .
2) It was big! and interesting! We had such a great tour guide - traipsing all around with our trusty umbrellas. No sunshine to worry about on this field trip day!
3) We saw the packaging of seed bags. Very interesting. So the bags are packaged in these smaller bags and then 10 bags are put into one standard feed bag. Because of the ag. practices in India (small-holder farms), the marketing of course needs to be different. A large farmer may need more (like normal sized bag), but for the smaller ones, they will cut open big bags and sell the smaller ones at the market.
4) They got us Domino pizza for lunch!! Awww, it was so sweet - b/c we are from U.S.! I actually had packed a lunch from ICRISAT - and was happy I did b/c I don't think Dominoes is too conducive to boosting immune system! They were actually happy to see me eating packed lunch b/c it was Indian food of course!! They were glad we all enjoy the Indian cuisine so much. I really enjoyed our tour guide - he was so so nice!
5) Back on schedule and headed to DuPont!
Here at DuPont - cameras were not on the sign for prohibited items, although after reviewing the list, Claire had to leave her taser in the vehicle. So I pulled out my cam., and took a couple great pics. of the DuPont building. Then they through us in the chamber. Well, they thought about it. In reality, the others just promised to take no pics. and they let us keep our cameras. We actually only got to see a conference room here - so I don't know how many deep dark secrets I could have found! But we got to meet the director of the whole DuPont and he was a really nice, personable man.
Thoughts from DuPont:
1) Well here we really talked the most about GM crops vs. varietals and had some interesting discourse. Or rather, we listened to 1.5 hr. presentation and then had 0.5 hrs. to ask ?'s. We asked some good ones all right.
2) Two I asked dealt w/ my research study. In my state and district of Maharashtra, India, farmer suicides are a huge issue. There have been failures of Bt cotton. So what happened is everyone pushed Bt cotton - telling farmers this Bt cotton was the cure-all solution to whatever ailed their crop. In reality, Bt cotton protects from 1 pest. Just 1. So this propoganda was pushed, farmers took the bait and risked their livelihoods to invest in Bt cotton. This meant more loans and then when Bt cotton failed, they had even greater debt, etc., etc. + other factors, bleak situation, suicide. He actually was one of the people who brought Bt cotton to India - so that was interesting to hear his approach. :)
3) My farmers spoke of how the ancient varietals could be stored for a few more yrs. than the GM crops, but now the surplus crops will spoil sooner. I didn't get a comment on this ?, but we were running short on time and we were ready to head back to ICRISAT anyway. Christen asked great ?'s also, about whether they do environmental research about implications of Bt cotton on environment. Soil degradation, etc. The answer was no. Also she asked about the decreased yields over time w/ GM crops, and we didn't get a clear answer on that. The 1st year, a 20% increase is guaranteed, but after that, no guarantees. The yield falls from there.
4) One last topic mentioned was the time factor. He explained how w/ any technology, it does not last forever. People need to buy a new washing machine, and in the same way, these GM varieties only last 6-7 yrs. before the next one needs to be introduced. That was interesting b/c seeds are something that have been around for - ev -er ! They don't seem like something that should need to be replaced like a synthetic washer should. I guess, synthetic seed. . .
5) All in all, it was a fantastic, wet, chilly, really great, informative, exciting, and quality day spent with Christen, Claire, and all those we encountered. I am so thankful to all who helped arrange this. (Like Rosana from ICRISAT and Lisa from WFP and Amb. Quinn of course. . . all from the companies too. . . ) Anyway, I was so happy Claire could come b/c it would not have been nearly as great without her! Not much is . . . Awww, sad moment. She leaves on Monday night!!
But, new news from my end of the woods. Presentation is now this upcoming week! Yikers! Big big big work to get done! And my powerpoint was going to be developed this wk, but is now going to be worked on this wkend I guess! In our correspondence, my mentor told me she is excited to see of my progress on the powerpoint on Monday. . . so . . . about that. Better make some progress, huh?!!? :)
So, busy busy girl over here. Headed to bed soon and very soon now. Tomorrow = Saturday.
Wake-up, b-fast, work on report, head out to Hyderabad, are some of the plans for the day :)
Much work and fun to be had in India.
Good Night!
p.s. Don't think I was gonna keep my picture album from today a secret from you! :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Quite a Productive Thursday
Well, today I had some more energy - so that was great. I am officially off the banana craze now. Finished - done - over. This morn. I had just one - and it was a green one, so not quite so bad. Bananas are one of the highest sugar fruits and I am making some modifications to get some more energy back! Bye, bye bananas :) I won't really miss you! (I think I have had enough for a lifetime!) (Long story short, white flours/sugars and antibiotics produce bad effects in my body. In normal life, I don't ever need to come in contact with them. However, during the sickness, first went in the white rice/ white crackers/ bananas/ white bread/ gatorade, and then after it was taking too long to run its course - went in the antibiotics - so my body was NOT too pleased with me after all it has been through!) -This has contributed to the tiredness I have been having lately, but today I am already feeling more energized! Can't wait to get to my chiro. upon arriving home and getting some good 'ol probiotics in me, but until then, the curd will do the trick here!
Anyway, so today I went on a buncha walks - during morning tea break, then on lunch break I took two - one before lunch, then one after lunch, and then in the afternoon I took one also! It is great - I have this certain path that I go each time so it gets to be quite a nice little routine. Once I am used to going also I am mentally in need of it each time. I will just get to the point of thinking of something stressful, and then it is like, "Well, walk time!" Then after the walk, I am ready to take on anything again! At first I usually feel sluggish, especially on my 1st one in the morn, but then by the end, I am feeling revitalized! :) I have to start planning now for some walk breaks around Wesleyan! Well, who knows, my class and life schedule may keep me treking across campus enough as it is! Not to mention I am excited to take advantage of the awesome sports facilities.
It is interesting to hear about how some classmates are moving in already or in the next couple of weeks. I am not yet on the wave for college. I am arriving at the in-between station right now. The limbo stage of life. I am sure everyone has gone through some in-between stage before. When you aren't ready to leave but you aren't planning to stay either. When your roots don't go much deeper than the bottom of your suitcase. Now that Claire is actually living her very last week here and talking of getting ready to head back to the states, it becomes more real for me also. It is crazy and I am so happy she is always a week ahead of me! A week ahead to arrive (posting great details and pics. on facebook of the gorgeous campus!) (Man that seems so long ago - yet also like it was just yesterday.) I cannot even fathom everything I have learned since that day I looked at pics. of ICRISAT online from Claire's experience.
The world has opened up, and with it: international travel, alone :), Dubai, India, climate change, real research, true poverty, great friends, caring people, lots of love and laughter, Indian villages, children playing, maturing, learning about new religions/cultures, life lessons, spiritual and philosophical journeys, and so much more has come into my life. Today during one of my walks, I was just thinking of how blessed I am to be at ICRISAT - for of course 99999999999999 reasons, but I will give you the simple one I was thinking of earlier. The NATURE! It is sooooooooooo beautiful here - I think that is why I have not been homesick. I mean some WFP interns were really in the city more than I am I think. This place is an absolute sanctuary - - a nature reserve! It is indescribable how pretty it is - the flowers - the trees - the wildlife - the lakes - the green grass - the rains sometimes - the sun sporatically - EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL! :)
The past few days it has been cutting lawn time, which of course is even better. Then you have the sensuous aromas of fresh grass clippings wavering around in the wonderful Indian day. I was talking to Dad earlier today about the weather back home and I heard the report was fairly muggy lately with a lot of rain. (3rd highest record for July in history or something!?) Man, crazy weather. . . don't get me talking about my report - we'll be here all day :)
I am so happy with my research and my project. I am really the only WFP intern I know that got to develop their own project with such great mentors to seek counsel from. These scientists here are all so talented. I was talking to someone the other day who told me he/she is moving to Africa!! Next month!! Going to work for the UN with some program where he puts in 2 yrs. and then gets to decide if he wants to stay on or move on! And the person is sooooo nice to me. Like all the people here.
My roommate at work is also great - offering me tidbits of advice every now and then. Always willing to answer questions for me. He is so talented. The report he is working on now is at 115 pgs. and climbing. And he tells me that he is proud to be hosting me in his room. He thinks the program and me being here at ICRISAT on behalf of the WFPrize is really something rare and neat!!
And I go to visit my old roommate and great friend, Chandrakala, also! She is so nice and I cannot believe the time is passing so quickly. I have all these people who want to visit me in the US so I hope that some of them are able to happen!
Tomorrow is the great big Pioneer visit, so I best be heading to bed soon. I have the paper already gone through another couple self-edits and now I have some colleagues giving me some outside feedback as well. Powerpoint presentation of my life is to come. (That is signifying I want it to be a good one!)
Alrighty, then. I am out.
Good night to all and to all a good night.
~ Leah Marie Abigail Lucas ~
Anyway, so today I went on a buncha walks - during morning tea break, then on lunch break I took two - one before lunch, then one after lunch, and then in the afternoon I took one also! It is great - I have this certain path that I go each time so it gets to be quite a nice little routine. Once I am used to going also I am mentally in need of it each time. I will just get to the point of thinking of something stressful, and then it is like, "Well, walk time!" Then after the walk, I am ready to take on anything again! At first I usually feel sluggish, especially on my 1st one in the morn, but then by the end, I am feeling revitalized! :) I have to start planning now for some walk breaks around Wesleyan! Well, who knows, my class and life schedule may keep me treking across campus enough as it is! Not to mention I am excited to take advantage of the awesome sports facilities.
It is interesting to hear about how some classmates are moving in already or in the next couple of weeks. I am not yet on the wave for college. I am arriving at the in-between station right now. The limbo stage of life. I am sure everyone has gone through some in-between stage before. When you aren't ready to leave but you aren't planning to stay either. When your roots don't go much deeper than the bottom of your suitcase. Now that Claire is actually living her very last week here and talking of getting ready to head back to the states, it becomes more real for me also. It is crazy and I am so happy she is always a week ahead of me! A week ahead to arrive (posting great details and pics. on facebook of the gorgeous campus!) (Man that seems so long ago - yet also like it was just yesterday.) I cannot even fathom everything I have learned since that day I looked at pics. of ICRISAT online from Claire's experience.
The world has opened up, and with it: international travel, alone :), Dubai, India, climate change, real research, true poverty, great friends, caring people, lots of love and laughter, Indian villages, children playing, maturing, learning about new religions/cultures, life lessons, spiritual and philosophical journeys, and so much more has come into my life. Today during one of my walks, I was just thinking of how blessed I am to be at ICRISAT - for of course 99999999999999 reasons, but I will give you the simple one I was thinking of earlier. The NATURE! It is sooooooooooo beautiful here - I think that is why I have not been homesick. I mean some WFP interns were really in the city more than I am I think. This place is an absolute sanctuary - - a nature reserve! It is indescribable how pretty it is - the flowers - the trees - the wildlife - the lakes - the green grass - the rains sometimes - the sun sporatically - EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL! :)
The past few days it has been cutting lawn time, which of course is even better. Then you have the sensuous aromas of fresh grass clippings wavering around in the wonderful Indian day. I was talking to Dad earlier today about the weather back home and I heard the report was fairly muggy lately with a lot of rain. (3rd highest record for July in history or something!?) Man, crazy weather. . . don't get me talking about my report - we'll be here all day :)
I am so happy with my research and my project. I am really the only WFP intern I know that got to develop their own project with such great mentors to seek counsel from. These scientists here are all so talented. I was talking to someone the other day who told me he/she is moving to Africa!! Next month!! Going to work for the UN with some program where he puts in 2 yrs. and then gets to decide if he wants to stay on or move on! And the person is sooooo nice to me. Like all the people here.
My roommate at work is also great - offering me tidbits of advice every now and then. Always willing to answer questions for me. He is so talented. The report he is working on now is at 115 pgs. and climbing. And he tells me that he is proud to be hosting me in his room. He thinks the program and me being here at ICRISAT on behalf of the WFPrize is really something rare and neat!!
And I go to visit my old roommate and great friend, Chandrakala, also! She is so nice and I cannot believe the time is passing so quickly. I have all these people who want to visit me in the US so I hope that some of them are able to happen!
Tomorrow is the great big Pioneer visit, so I best be heading to bed soon. I have the paper already gone through another couple self-edits and now I have some colleagues giving me some outside feedback as well. Powerpoint presentation of my life is to come. (That is signifying I want it to be a good one!)
Alrighty, then. I am out.
Good night to all and to all a good night.
~ Leah Marie Abigail Lucas ~
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Early night in India
I finally went to bed ear---ly last night! It is now Thursday morn (early in the morn w/ the birds asinging their tunes!) Speaking of birds, I forgot to tell you (I think) that I spotted my very first ever peacocks here on campus. This place is famous for them and on my walk to the church (where they are supposed to be) I have always failed to see them! So, check that one off the list! I am very busy right now, so will give you a brief synopsis of my life before heading back for maybe 30 min. more of rest.
Today is Thursday as I said. Objectives: Self-edit paper again, print-off, fix any big errors, give to 2 people at work to edit today! Yikes. Next, I will make oral presentation from paper.
beacause Friday = a tour of Pioneer in Hyderabad and some of their fields and stuff w/ my friend, Claire. (The one who lives on a diversified farm you know! Ha, anyway, we will have fun w/ a day away. . . )
Saturday - a full day away - w/ ICRISAT car - maybe 6/8 hrs. in Hyderabad . . .
Sunday - church in morn hopefully, and then a send-off party for Claire maybe!!! :/ :( :) Many emotions on that one :)
Sooooooo, I am tired just thinking about this! Must be too early in the morn. Off to bed for a few more minutes :)
Ta-ta Iowa!
Today is Thursday as I said. Objectives: Self-edit paper again, print-off, fix any big errors, give to 2 people at work to edit today! Yikes. Next, I will make oral presentation from paper.
beacause Friday = a tour of Pioneer in Hyderabad and some of their fields and stuff w/ my friend, Claire. (The one who lives on a diversified farm you know! Ha, anyway, we will have fun w/ a day away. . . )
Saturday - a full day away - w/ ICRISAT car - maybe 6/8 hrs. in Hyderabad . . .
Sunday - church in morn hopefully, and then a send-off party for Claire maybe!!! :/ :( :) Many emotions on that one :)
Sooooooo, I am tired just thinking about this! Must be too early in the morn. Off to bed for a few more minutes :)
Ta-ta Iowa!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Ahh, a rainy night
Today was an accomplishment unlike any other. I printed off my first 32 pgs. of research ever in the same report. That was awesome. I just stood there all anxious-like as it printed (on both sides of the pg, thank you). Yes, I am working on climate change and printing pages upon pages of paper. . . well, we double-side print, so there! :) Anyway, I have yet to even look through it all because I am just pretty mentally exhausted, so I am gonna head to bed early tonight. That has been the plan recently, but life has a way of taking ahold.
There is a new gym here now - which also means we have to pay to use it by the day, month, or year. . . but the pool is still free! I walked there tonight and was thinking about doing a short wk-out, found out about the cost and decided it wasn't worth it today considering I actually wanted to be eating supper in 30 minutes :) As I was walking there though, the weather was so eerie, it was awesome! I just knew the rain was coming - the clouds were gray and growing and the rain was just rolling in. Then it unleashed and it was beautiful. The pool looked so cool with the pelts of rain just smacking against the surface. The rain was a wonderful release for me and felt so refreshing. I then saw a rather large draining off the Housing building and stuck my head under so I was already half-way drenched for my shower. Yes, I am doing my part to conserve water. . .
Oh, speaking of water conservation, I found out the lakes here at ICRISAT (all 5 of them) are used for the irrigation and for the watering of the lawns so that is very very happy-making!! It seems only right that we wouldn't be wasting all that precious water in the semi-arid tropics, so I am thrilled it is more sustainable :)
Then when we went to supper I wore my same half-drenched clothes and my hair was fully drenched from washing it quick before we left. So it was pouring on the way and felt great and it was so funny when we got there. At that point I was entirely drenched and wonderful (ICRISAT) family working in the food department asked if we didn't have umbrellas! I actually do but have never used it. For me, the +'s of an umbrella just do not outweigh the -'s. Frankly, I would rather get wet than deal with all that jazz! They must think we are insane. Ha! :)
Ok, so the real big news of the day. It was - - - - c-r-a-z-y -------- c-o-o-l -------- today at work!!! We had a seminar which was awesome! The man (who I stayed late after work meeting with yesterday) presented pretty much on what his PhD work was on. It was so fascinating and I now have so many unanswered ?'s but there were way too many questions and comments to take them all.
My mentor called me in this morning and told me that she wanted me to attend the conference and it would be very interesting for me and that I should come w/ ?'s prepared and that she wanted me to ask at least one. So I said I would get brainstorming and went out. Well the seminar time creeped up on me and I realized I better wait and find out what ?'s would be relavent to the presentation. So we went down to the big chamber - I am gonna call it that - just makes it sound more intimidating since I need to do a big presentation there at the end of my dealio. It is actually this super formal lecture/conference room. Hint: mics. on the tables. After everyone!!! started filing in I was like, "Man! I need to ask a question in front of all them!??! All these amazing and accomplished scientists!" Anyway, I told myself there was no getting out of it and I thanked God for making me ok with talking in front of people.
Anyway, I found out the definition of the term "Grill time" which I have been referring to what will happen after I present. You know the 30 min. present and 30 min of grill?!!? Well, I did not even know the beginning of the meaning of grill before today! (I think - hope - pray!! - it'll be a little different for me b/c I obviously am not here to present and defend my PhD, but just what I have been able to do and accomplish and learn in 2 mos. time)
(Oh by the way, this reminded me of something.) Tonight at supper I brought up me going to college b/c I got rmmate assignment and stuff n was telling my CA friend that my roomie is from CA. . . anyway, then one of my friends was like, "Oh, so you are starting your PhD work then?" I was like, "No. . ." He was like, "Doing another undergrad then?" It was funny, I then explained how I am with the same program as Claire so am just starting undergrad! :) It is crazy being here - I could be a PhD student and people wouldn't blink an eye! Man, I have a lot of learning and growing and experiencing and living I need to get through first!
Anyway, today it was a very interesting and informative presentation and the whole dynamics were awesome to observe. Then it was time to field ?'s and I didn't have my hand up - just resting on table with pencil in hand w/ vertical elbow - perpendicular to table - right next to my body - if you can visualize this at all :) and my mentor said, "Leah, why don't you start us out?!?" Oh boy, I then figured I guess it was time for my question! So, I asked it. I actually had the ? I wanted to know, so that was good. I didn't feel like I got an awesome - just what I was hoping for - in depth answer, but accepted it, b/c who was I to challenge the response again!! I am merely an intern!!
So then the real interrogations began! I wanna go to some more of these seminars - they are absolutely fascinating and they have them every Thurs. usually I guess. This wk. Tues. was the day that worked. . . anyway. . . it was also great to see a presentation before I give my own!! Now I have a little better idea of what to expect.
Anyway, when we got back to my room, one of my friends started telling me how it was ICRISAT policy that if the intern roommate would ask a ? during seminars, they would get thrown a party during afternoon break. A coffee party :) He said how my question was great and the first one too - he said it was the same ? which everyone else kept asking - only reworded. (Which was a little interesting b/c I didn't feel like I got an awesomely sufficient answer to my original ? so that would make a little sense. . . .) So, that was nice to hear >> maybe not 100% true, but nice all the same! It was also funny b/c I was like, "Man, and I needed to ask a ? too?!?!" I am happy I did need to I guess. It definetely made me more assertive! And if I wouldn't have needed to, I may have - probably would have - been more subdued w/ all the scientists around. . . and frantic note-taking of course!! I am good at that :)
Well I am going to bed now. I am exhausted these days. In an accomplished feeling way. I think it is b/c my brain is going 100 miles a minute all day and then during my tea breaks I go on these great brisk walks. Today a friend came along (Christen) in the afternoon and I felt bad b/c she had to jog to keep up. It was unfair: 1) my legs are longer 2) I am the craziest power-walker I know and 3) She also had flip-flops on!! But she was a good sport :) And also, the late nights at the office take a toll too :) So, I am just ready for a good night's sleep. Ahh, my bed!
P.S. The food today was quite an adventure. It is so funny how when they have one dish that isn't my fav., they usually have other options that aren't for me either! It is very rare that this occurs and of course an adventurous and fun experience - b/c it seems like everyone all experiences these times together! Today one of my Indian workmates warned me against one of the Indian curries b/c she said it is so bitter - - a friend got it and I tried it - I used tried instead of ate here purposefully.
So during 2nd half of lunch break today (aka when I stopped back at rm. before going back to work) I was thinking about how awesome it is that I had a bunch of dishes in the fridge I had gotten carry out from the cafe. (Also, here we say "carry out" rather than "to go!") So that was handy and great b/c I was wondering when I would eat those dishes. I mean, Indian curries are not exactly a snack food! So anyway, maybe it is a good idea to keep a dish handy just in case :) But it is only the 2nd time I remember this happening so we will have to see.
Well, off to the bed now :)
There is a new gym here now - which also means we have to pay to use it by the day, month, or year. . . but the pool is still free! I walked there tonight and was thinking about doing a short wk-out, found out about the cost and decided it wasn't worth it today considering I actually wanted to be eating supper in 30 minutes :) As I was walking there though, the weather was so eerie, it was awesome! I just knew the rain was coming - the clouds were gray and growing and the rain was just rolling in. Then it unleashed and it was beautiful. The pool looked so cool with the pelts of rain just smacking against the surface. The rain was a wonderful release for me and felt so refreshing. I then saw a rather large draining off the Housing building and stuck my head under so I was already half-way drenched for my shower. Yes, I am doing my part to conserve water. . .
Oh, speaking of water conservation, I found out the lakes here at ICRISAT (all 5 of them) are used for the irrigation and for the watering of the lawns so that is very very happy-making!! It seems only right that we wouldn't be wasting all that precious water in the semi-arid tropics, so I am thrilled it is more sustainable :)
Then when we went to supper I wore my same half-drenched clothes and my hair was fully drenched from washing it quick before we left. So it was pouring on the way and felt great and it was so funny when we got there. At that point I was entirely drenched and wonderful (ICRISAT) family working in the food department asked if we didn't have umbrellas! I actually do but have never used it. For me, the +'s of an umbrella just do not outweigh the -'s. Frankly, I would rather get wet than deal with all that jazz! They must think we are insane. Ha! :)
Ok, so the real big news of the day. It was - - - - c-r-a-z-y -------- c-o-o-l -------- today at work!!! We had a seminar which was awesome! The man (who I stayed late after work meeting with yesterday) presented pretty much on what his PhD work was on. It was so fascinating and I now have so many unanswered ?'s but there were way too many questions and comments to take them all.
My mentor called me in this morning and told me that she wanted me to attend the conference and it would be very interesting for me and that I should come w/ ?'s prepared and that she wanted me to ask at least one. So I said I would get brainstorming and went out. Well the seminar time creeped up on me and I realized I better wait and find out what ?'s would be relavent to the presentation. So we went down to the big chamber - I am gonna call it that - just makes it sound more intimidating since I need to do a big presentation there at the end of my dealio. It is actually this super formal lecture/conference room. Hint: mics. on the tables. After everyone!!! started filing in I was like, "Man! I need to ask a question in front of all them!??! All these amazing and accomplished scientists!" Anyway, I told myself there was no getting out of it and I thanked God for making me ok with talking in front of people.
Anyway, I found out the definition of the term "Grill time" which I have been referring to what will happen after I present. You know the 30 min. present and 30 min of grill?!!? Well, I did not even know the beginning of the meaning of grill before today! (I think - hope - pray!! - it'll be a little different for me b/c I obviously am not here to present and defend my PhD, but just what I have been able to do and accomplish and learn in 2 mos. time)
(Oh by the way, this reminded me of something.) Tonight at supper I brought up me going to college b/c I got rmmate assignment and stuff n was telling my CA friend that my roomie is from CA. . . anyway, then one of my friends was like, "Oh, so you are starting your PhD work then?" I was like, "No. . ." He was like, "Doing another undergrad then?" It was funny, I then explained how I am with the same program as Claire so am just starting undergrad! :) It is crazy being here - I could be a PhD student and people wouldn't blink an eye! Man, I have a lot of learning and growing and experiencing and living I need to get through first!
Anyway, today it was a very interesting and informative presentation and the whole dynamics were awesome to observe. Then it was time to field ?'s and I didn't have my hand up - just resting on table with pencil in hand w/ vertical elbow - perpendicular to table - right next to my body - if you can visualize this at all :) and my mentor said, "Leah, why don't you start us out?!?" Oh boy, I then figured I guess it was time for my question! So, I asked it. I actually had the ? I wanted to know, so that was good. I didn't feel like I got an awesome - just what I was hoping for - in depth answer, but accepted it, b/c who was I to challenge the response again!! I am merely an intern!!
So then the real interrogations began! I wanna go to some more of these seminars - they are absolutely fascinating and they have them every Thurs. usually I guess. This wk. Tues. was the day that worked. . . anyway. . . it was also great to see a presentation before I give my own!! Now I have a little better idea of what to expect.
Anyway, when we got back to my room, one of my friends started telling me how it was ICRISAT policy that if the intern roommate would ask a ? during seminars, they would get thrown a party during afternoon break. A coffee party :) He said how my question was great and the first one too - he said it was the same ? which everyone else kept asking - only reworded. (Which was a little interesting b/c I didn't feel like I got an awesomely sufficient answer to my original ? so that would make a little sense. . . .) So, that was nice to hear >> maybe not 100% true, but nice all the same! It was also funny b/c I was like, "Man, and I needed to ask a ? too?!?!" I am happy I did need to I guess. It definetely made me more assertive! And if I wouldn't have needed to, I may have - probably would have - been more subdued w/ all the scientists around. . . and frantic note-taking of course!! I am good at that :)
Well I am going to bed now. I am exhausted these days. In an accomplished feeling way. I think it is b/c my brain is going 100 miles a minute all day and then during my tea breaks I go on these great brisk walks. Today a friend came along (Christen) in the afternoon and I felt bad b/c she had to jog to keep up. It was unfair: 1) my legs are longer 2) I am the craziest power-walker I know and 3) She also had flip-flops on!! But she was a good sport :) And also, the late nights at the office take a toll too :) So, I am just ready for a good night's sleep. Ahh, my bed!
P.S. The food today was quite an adventure. It is so funny how when they have one dish that isn't my fav., they usually have other options that aren't for me either! It is very rare that this occurs and of course an adventurous and fun experience - b/c it seems like everyone all experiences these times together! Today one of my Indian workmates warned me against one of the Indian curries b/c she said it is so bitter - - a friend got it and I tried it - I used tried instead of ate here purposefully.
So during 2nd half of lunch break today (aka when I stopped back at rm. before going back to work) I was thinking about how awesome it is that I had a bunch of dishes in the fridge I had gotten carry out from the cafe. (Also, here we say "carry out" rather than "to go!") So that was handy and great b/c I was wondering when I would eat those dishes. I mean, Indian curries are not exactly a snack food! So anyway, maybe it is a good idea to keep a dish handy just in case :) But it is only the 2nd time I remember this happening so we will have to see.
Well, off to the bed now :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hit the 32 page mark!
Hello to all! Today was a productive day. I have enough length now for my report, so it is just time to finish, edit, edit, edit, edit, refine, change, and edit. Did I mention I may need to do some editing?!!? Ok, sorry, that is annoying even me! But anyway, then from my written report will come the oral presentation I will prepare next.
I got so much done at work and took a couple of short walks too during my tea times. That is my favorite thing to do. I just walk my little path and sing songs, enjoying the beautiful Indian air and weather. (Don't worry, when people pass me, I cut off the tunes!!)
I am loving my work and what I am doing is so much fun. It is going to be weird now being a student again w/ a buncha different subjects to study on any given day, when I have been so intensely focused on this project at hand. However, what an awesome thing this is to have this experience. I remember when I was intimidated by a much much shorter paper than this beast I am working on now! I was even worried about the 20 pg. World Food Prize report. I never thought I would have enough to write. Now I know the only struggle is going to be condensing a 40 pg. report into a 22 pg. one! That is just for the WFPrize though. That report is a little different because the formal research is only part of it. They also want to hear about our background, participation in the Youth institute, cultural experiences, etc. This ICRISAT report I will be working on until I leave here is obviously all about the research.
We have a seminar at wk. tomorrow I am thrilled for!! Tonight I was gonna head home after a long and successful (and tiring too!) day, when I had a meeting. So then I stayed later and had a great meeting I was so happy to attend. (It was with the man who will be presenting tomorrow.) Then when I got home to rm., it was like already time for 7:00 pm supper! So, the nights go fast here now that the work day goes so long! But what a great opportunity to spend time with such accomplished people - so motivated - all day long. Today, my work friend shared w/ me the secret to learning in research. He said, "Talk to the people. There are world-renowned researchers here. The ones at the top of their field. But they don't just go around with a nametag listing all their accomplishments. They are such humble people. You need to meet them - just informally, introduce yourself in the Canteen. Then they will teach you all you ever need to know."
It was cool - and very true! My friend is home from an ashram. Christen, my friend interning here from CA, USA, has been gone for the past 5 days. ICRISAT is such a time warp, when people leave it feels like they have been gone forever and like they have not been gone at all. It is so crazy. People are always coming and going - you would really need to get used to that if you lived and worked here. Just the people I like and have fun with who have helped me so much at work - now I will be headed out once again so soon! But, fortunately, many of them will be too. Going on for PhD's and stuff. So everyone is learning, growing, and moving here.
It was wonderful to welcome Christen back and hear of her experiences. She is a pretty cool chick - and brave too. She went to Bangalore alone - on a train - to go to the ashram. . . and she is just out of college. A 21 yr. old female - pretty street wise though. So, yes. I guess it is about time to head to bed. Another big day tomorrow morning and my body can't sleep past 7 am, so a good night's sleep means turning in a little early. Last night I had a bunch of crazy dreams! Claire, my friend was telling me of her crazy dreams recently so maybe there is something in this monsoon air!
Oh, yeah, and do you remember how I was soooo excited I now was gonna be able to start wk. at 8:30? Well of course right after writing that I decided I wanted to begin earlier. So now I get to take a key with me and I begin from 7:30-8:00ish. It depends, but either way, it is good to get there early and get some work done, and then stay there late and get some more work done too!
Ahhhh. I will sleep tight tonight.
More on India later :)
~ Leah ~
ps: I saw a hole that the 'squitors were entering room through in part of screen/window so I stuck a sock there! Successful as of yet! It has been a few days :)
pps: They chlorinated the water recently - it is stronger than before. I think they do that during monsoon season, b/c the bad bacteria/sickness n stuff increases. So, someone was like, "Well, is that good or bad!?" I was like, "Depends what way you look at it!" It may be the only time I don't mind a little chlorine in the water :) Although I may take advantage of getting a few water bottles with meals also!
I got so much done at work and took a couple of short walks too during my tea times. That is my favorite thing to do. I just walk my little path and sing songs, enjoying the beautiful Indian air and weather. (Don't worry, when people pass me, I cut off the tunes!!)
I am loving my work and what I am doing is so much fun. It is going to be weird now being a student again w/ a buncha different subjects to study on any given day, when I have been so intensely focused on this project at hand. However, what an awesome thing this is to have this experience. I remember when I was intimidated by a much much shorter paper than this beast I am working on now! I was even worried about the 20 pg. World Food Prize report. I never thought I would have enough to write. Now I know the only struggle is going to be condensing a 40 pg. report into a 22 pg. one! That is just for the WFPrize though. That report is a little different because the formal research is only part of it. They also want to hear about our background, participation in the Youth institute, cultural experiences, etc. This ICRISAT report I will be working on until I leave here is obviously all about the research.
We have a seminar at wk. tomorrow I am thrilled for!! Tonight I was gonna head home after a long and successful (and tiring too!) day, when I had a meeting. So then I stayed later and had a great meeting I was so happy to attend. (It was with the man who will be presenting tomorrow.) Then when I got home to rm., it was like already time for 7:00 pm supper! So, the nights go fast here now that the work day goes so long! But what a great opportunity to spend time with such accomplished people - so motivated - all day long. Today, my work friend shared w/ me the secret to learning in research. He said, "Talk to the people. There are world-renowned researchers here. The ones at the top of their field. But they don't just go around with a nametag listing all their accomplishments. They are such humble people. You need to meet them - just informally, introduce yourself in the Canteen. Then they will teach you all you ever need to know."
It was cool - and very true! My friend is home from an ashram. Christen, my friend interning here from CA, USA, has been gone for the past 5 days. ICRISAT is such a time warp, when people leave it feels like they have been gone forever and like they have not been gone at all. It is so crazy. People are always coming and going - you would really need to get used to that if you lived and worked here. Just the people I like and have fun with who have helped me so much at work - now I will be headed out once again so soon! But, fortunately, many of them will be too. Going on for PhD's and stuff. So everyone is learning, growing, and moving here.
It was wonderful to welcome Christen back and hear of her experiences. She is a pretty cool chick - and brave too. She went to Bangalore alone - on a train - to go to the ashram. . . and she is just out of college. A 21 yr. old female - pretty street wise though. So, yes. I guess it is about time to head to bed. Another big day tomorrow morning and my body can't sleep past 7 am, so a good night's sleep means turning in a little early. Last night I had a bunch of crazy dreams! Claire, my friend was telling me of her crazy dreams recently so maybe there is something in this monsoon air!
Oh, yeah, and do you remember how I was soooo excited I now was gonna be able to start wk. at 8:30? Well of course right after writing that I decided I wanted to begin earlier. So now I get to take a key with me and I begin from 7:30-8:00ish. It depends, but either way, it is good to get there early and get some work done, and then stay there late and get some more work done too!
Ahhhh. I will sleep tight tonight.
More on India later :)
~ Leah ~
ps: I saw a hole that the 'squitors were entering room through in part of screen/window so I stuck a sock there! Successful as of yet! It has been a few days :)
pps: They chlorinated the water recently - it is stronger than before. I think they do that during monsoon season, b/c the bad bacteria/sickness n stuff increases. So, someone was like, "Well, is that good or bad!?" I was like, "Depends what way you look at it!" It may be the only time I don't mind a little chlorine in the water :) Although I may take advantage of getting a few water bottles with meals also!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday. . . Fun Day
And by fun, I mean nice and peaceful! I woke up this morning - chronically early as usual after our late night and big day in Hyderabad (old and new) city. I went to b-fast at 7 and then returned to my room. I got a phone call from one of my mentors soon thereafter, so I was happy I was up and att'm. She was telling me about how whe arranged for me to go to church - YAY, YAY, HIP HIP HOORAY! So, now I get to go to a local Catholic mass. I met the man who was to take me - Hector - from the Phillipines also and we had the nicest conversation on the way to Mass. He told me about the Phillipines, about India, about ICRISAT, and his family. He has 5 children and they are similar ages to the kids in our family!
Well we got to the church and people were there in Mass. He thought it may have been the Telagu mass and he got out to ask. Turns out the schedule was changed so we were an hour late! But he was telling me about the service and I am so excited! We returned to ICRISAT and I am going to return next week to go with him if it all works out! (At the proper time of course!) So, I am very excited about that. He oriented me a little on the way. The mass is long he said and the priest really uses it as an opportunity to teach the catechism. He said a 10 min. intro, 30 min. homily, and 10 min. conclusion after Mass also so I am terribly thrilled for next week! The men and women sit separately and we will take off our shoes at the door.
There were a lot of people there - a lot of cars - and a bunch of people standing outside. It is so cool to see all of these people that have been here the whole time but I just never knew about them. It is a great experience to be the minority. I think that when people are in the majority it is so easy to never examine your life and think about things. Here I stand out everywhere I go. I stand out in culture, customs, appearance, beliefs, and religion. Yet I absolutely lovvvvve all that I am being exposed to at the exact same time. There is such a beautiful mutual respect that everyone seems to hold for one another. People are so excited to meet me and learn my name. That is a big thing here - people will ask so politely to know your name. Names really do have a lot of significance. No matter what language you speak, a name is something that can be shared and understood.
So then I worked a little on my report today, took a nap to catch up on the lack of sleep that this weekend has been, so that was nice. When I wake up from a nap I am sometimes irritated b/c I don't like to take them, but it was nice to give myself that rest I think. I was starting to get some bags under the eyes from the past couple of days and I recall priority #1! :) Then I had plenty of energy to expend and I got my things to go churching. I treked to the St. Francis of Assisi chapel and it was a late time I was going b/c I usually go 1st thing in the morn or so. That was nice and then on the way home I actually decided to run all the way back to campus. (Or the dorm part of campus!) And I was wearing jean capris. . . but it was very nice and a great workout too :) So then I was hot, sweaty, and red-faced when I ran into my mentor going on an evening stroll with her husband.
I chatted with her and told her the church details, so we will try again next week! Then I headed to dorm, quickly showered, and headed to dinner. A delicious dinner was had by all! This cafe is the best in the world - we have so many options and they are really quite tasty! I'm thinking they'll have some Indian food in CT for me if I get a craving! When I spoke with Hector, the man who took me to church, today, it was so neat! He is in H.R. here and it was great to speak with him. This place is the best connection ever. They have a policy-making partnership/branch of ICRISAT that is based in Virginia!! Not to mention that ICRISAT is in the semi-arid tropics of Africa also - - - I am loving the idea of these research opportunities. What a way to see other countries!
I am doing better with the whole guilt thing I was dealing with earlier on in the trip. I don't know if that is a bad thing b/c it is so easy to find justification in our lives about the choices we are making, or it could be good b/c obviously I am not feeling as bad. I am kind of just feeling like all you can do is all you can do. What I have been doing recently is just workiing pretty diligently on my project and it is so neat to share the farmers' stories. It is an attempt to make their lives better - to document their struggles. So by working hard on my work, it does feel like I am serving a cause.
However, it is still perplexing to know what to do when seeing the beggars on the street. I don't know what the best response to that is - so I have not been having too much of one. I was thinking today about how it really would not be bad to just get a big bill cashed into coins and I could always have something to give. But I don't know if there is a safety issue or anything. It is just sad. I know they could use money - I know I am so rich in comparison to them. I was thinking about the culpability of seeing the poor and how if someone starved to death that I saw and did not give $ to, wouldn't that be horrible? Then, of course I justify it by thinking that they really won't starve to death, but I don't know. We never really know - who knows what a few extra Rs. could do for a person. I think moreso than the money even is the fact that you are acknowledging someone - saying you care about them. That they are not the dirt everyone treats them like. They are a human being with dignity and worth and deserve respect. Not to be pushed aside. Not to be ignored. Not to be voiceless. But deserving of compassion and love. Of acknowledgement and respect.
I was also thinking about languages today . . . the languages here vs. the languages in the U.S. I love the country of India. It is just so fascinating - you could be here forever, study it forever, and still just touch the tip of the iceberg of the wealth of information and cultural heritage. It is thrilling. Someone asked me if I ever felt like there was just too much to learn and know and as if it is just all suffocating me ever. At the time the question was asked I was tired so I said, "Well now it just makes me tired, but normally it invigorates me!" People here are all so knowledgeable - I feel like I am always always always always learning a million new things! Someone asked me if I felt like I had learned something being here at ICRISAT this summer and I was like, "ARE YOU KIDDING!?!? Learned SOMEthing!?!? Learning a MILLION somethings!! SOOOO much!!! It is wonderful! How exciting. There is always more to learn and know and areas in which to grow. Our entire lives long!! (I guess this is where the term "life-long learner comes in!!!) :) :) :)
On another note, there is a new gym here that was just renovated so I am super psyched to test that out this week. I'll get some good pics hopefully if I make myself leave work early enough! I gotta get back to my workout routine now to keep up with all the great Indian food :) On Tuesday of this week, Claire and I are U.S. World Food Prize diplomats to the Pioneer in Hyderabad. We are touring it so that is great and exciting and is sure to be an adventure like everything else here! I feel like absolutely everything is so invigorating and exciting. I think that somewhere in the middle of the internship I just got to being like, "Yes, this is my life. . ." and I forgot that this isn't my life. This is only a precious 8 wks. that is passing quickly! However, before I feel bad about that, I realize that even if this is only 8 wks. that is 8 wks. of needing a home. So I think in the middle it was me just settling into the home here and not looking too far ahead to the end of my life here. Now, the planning has to be immaculate to fit in the essential activites and it has worked out beautifully!
Argggh, time to roll. Better get a little plan drawn out for the fascinating and exciting week ahead. It would be great to finish my paper this week. I then will have a lot of changes to be made of course. Any paper that is going to end up being well over 20 pgs. of research is gonna need some editing I imagine. So I am lucky to have such great helpers at work. I'm on pg. 23 now and still have so much to document! Then I do an oral presentation to scientists. I don't remember if I said this, but if I did, I am saying it again. 30 minute presentation and then 30 minute grill time! So that should be great. I am happy I enjoy pub. speaking - that should make things more fun. Grill time is sure to be interesting though!! :)
Aight - off to accomplish tasks before bed. Keep it cool in IA!
Well we got to the church and people were there in Mass. He thought it may have been the Telagu mass and he got out to ask. Turns out the schedule was changed so we were an hour late! But he was telling me about the service and I am so excited! We returned to ICRISAT and I am going to return next week to go with him if it all works out! (At the proper time of course!) So, I am very excited about that. He oriented me a little on the way. The mass is long he said and the priest really uses it as an opportunity to teach the catechism. He said a 10 min. intro, 30 min. homily, and 10 min. conclusion after Mass also so I am terribly thrilled for next week! The men and women sit separately and we will take off our shoes at the door.
There were a lot of people there - a lot of cars - and a bunch of people standing outside. It is so cool to see all of these people that have been here the whole time but I just never knew about them. It is a great experience to be the minority. I think that when people are in the majority it is so easy to never examine your life and think about things. Here I stand out everywhere I go. I stand out in culture, customs, appearance, beliefs, and religion. Yet I absolutely lovvvvve all that I am being exposed to at the exact same time. There is such a beautiful mutual respect that everyone seems to hold for one another. People are so excited to meet me and learn my name. That is a big thing here - people will ask so politely to know your name. Names really do have a lot of significance. No matter what language you speak, a name is something that can be shared and understood.
So then I worked a little on my report today, took a nap to catch up on the lack of sleep that this weekend has been, so that was nice. When I wake up from a nap I am sometimes irritated b/c I don't like to take them, but it was nice to give myself that rest I think. I was starting to get some bags under the eyes from the past couple of days and I recall priority #1! :) Then I had plenty of energy to expend and I got my things to go churching. I treked to the St. Francis of Assisi chapel and it was a late time I was going b/c I usually go 1st thing in the morn or so. That was nice and then on the way home I actually decided to run all the way back to campus. (Or the dorm part of campus!) And I was wearing jean capris. . . but it was very nice and a great workout too :) So then I was hot, sweaty, and red-faced when I ran into my mentor going on an evening stroll with her husband.
I chatted with her and told her the church details, so we will try again next week! Then I headed to dorm, quickly showered, and headed to dinner. A delicious dinner was had by all! This cafe is the best in the world - we have so many options and they are really quite tasty! I'm thinking they'll have some Indian food in CT for me if I get a craving! When I spoke with Hector, the man who took me to church, today, it was so neat! He is in H.R. here and it was great to speak with him. This place is the best connection ever. They have a policy-making partnership/branch of ICRISAT that is based in Virginia!! Not to mention that ICRISAT is in the semi-arid tropics of Africa also - - - I am loving the idea of these research opportunities. What a way to see other countries!
I am doing better with the whole guilt thing I was dealing with earlier on in the trip. I don't know if that is a bad thing b/c it is so easy to find justification in our lives about the choices we are making, or it could be good b/c obviously I am not feeling as bad. I am kind of just feeling like all you can do is all you can do. What I have been doing recently is just workiing pretty diligently on my project and it is so neat to share the farmers' stories. It is an attempt to make their lives better - to document their struggles. So by working hard on my work, it does feel like I am serving a cause.
However, it is still perplexing to know what to do when seeing the beggars on the street. I don't know what the best response to that is - so I have not been having too much of one. I was thinking today about how it really would not be bad to just get a big bill cashed into coins and I could always have something to give. But I don't know if there is a safety issue or anything. It is just sad. I know they could use money - I know I am so rich in comparison to them. I was thinking about the culpability of seeing the poor and how if someone starved to death that I saw and did not give $ to, wouldn't that be horrible? Then, of course I justify it by thinking that they really won't starve to death, but I don't know. We never really know - who knows what a few extra Rs. could do for a person. I think moreso than the money even is the fact that you are acknowledging someone - saying you care about them. That they are not the dirt everyone treats them like. They are a human being with dignity and worth and deserve respect. Not to be pushed aside. Not to be ignored. Not to be voiceless. But deserving of compassion and love. Of acknowledgement and respect.
I was also thinking about languages today . . . the languages here vs. the languages in the U.S. I love the country of India. It is just so fascinating - you could be here forever, study it forever, and still just touch the tip of the iceberg of the wealth of information and cultural heritage. It is thrilling. Someone asked me if I ever felt like there was just too much to learn and know and as if it is just all suffocating me ever. At the time the question was asked I was tired so I said, "Well now it just makes me tired, but normally it invigorates me!" People here are all so knowledgeable - I feel like I am always always always always learning a million new things! Someone asked me if I felt like I had learned something being here at ICRISAT this summer and I was like, "ARE YOU KIDDING!?!? Learned SOMEthing!?!? Learning a MILLION somethings!! SOOOO much!!! It is wonderful! How exciting. There is always more to learn and know and areas in which to grow. Our entire lives long!! (I guess this is where the term "life-long learner comes in!!!) :) :) :)
On another note, there is a new gym here that was just renovated so I am super psyched to test that out this week. I'll get some good pics hopefully if I make myself leave work early enough! I gotta get back to my workout routine now to keep up with all the great Indian food :) On Tuesday of this week, Claire and I are U.S. World Food Prize diplomats to the Pioneer in Hyderabad. We are touring it so that is great and exciting and is sure to be an adventure like everything else here! I feel like absolutely everything is so invigorating and exciting. I think that somewhere in the middle of the internship I just got to being like, "Yes, this is my life. . ." and I forgot that this isn't my life. This is only a precious 8 wks. that is passing quickly! However, before I feel bad about that, I realize that even if this is only 8 wks. that is 8 wks. of needing a home. So I think in the middle it was me just settling into the home here and not looking too far ahead to the end of my life here. Now, the planning has to be immaculate to fit in the essential activites and it has worked out beautifully!
Argggh, time to roll. Better get a little plan drawn out for the fascinating and exciting week ahead. It would be great to finish my paper this week. I then will have a lot of changes to be made of course. Any paper that is going to end up being well over 20 pgs. of research is gonna need some editing I imagine. So I am lucky to have such great helpers at work. I'm on pg. 23 now and still have so much to document! Then I do an oral presentation to scientists. I don't remember if I said this, but if I did, I am saying it again. 30 minute presentation and then 30 minute grill time! So that should be great. I am happy I enjoy pub. speaking - that should make things more fun. Grill time is sure to be interesting though!! :)
Aight - off to accomplish tasks before bed. Keep it cool in IA!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Saturday of All Saturdays . . . INDIAN EXCURSION!!!
Wowee! Boy, do I have a lot to tell you! Saturday was a wild and crazy day in India. No work done whatsoever besides a little brainstorming. Today was all about the cultural experiences!! So, the day began surprisingly early considering I went to bed very late. I just am not a sleeper-in-er, too many exciting things to do I suppose! So breakfast was first on the agenda - you saw pics. of this and I also took some pics around ICRISAT. Then I knew that Claire was interested in heading to the really close market. So, I tried to plan the possibility for a nap into my day and we went before lunch to the market.
(This actually didn't end up happening! After the market I was just too pumped up! Sleep later, right!?!?)
Let me tell you the most exciting thing ever. So what you do is flag down an autorickshaw and cram in - hold on - arrive at destination - and pay. You settle on the price before you get in and typically people try to make us pay a lot. 8 Rs. for the ride - 40 Rs. for your white skin they say! Just kidding! But anyway, some were saying 50 Rs. and we say, "Too much, too much." Then we found an auto for 8 Rs. a piece. That is what the locals pay!! So proud. Then on the way back, we got another rickshaw for 8 Rs. a piece - - - and that was after the 50 Rs. offer!!
So we went to this market which is just like a grocery store actually. We were gonna see a few other places but spent so much time there we had to head back to ICRISAT for lunch before our next excursion. So, back to ICRISAT we went. Then we had lunch - full of philosophical conversation and invigorating thought. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of our conversation. Afterward, I was like, "Claire, why haven't we been having these convos. every lunch!?!" It was fun to share and challenge one another as we debated and contemplated our purposes and the method by which we obtain fufillment, and so on.
Then Claire and I had some great bonding time as we chatted and reminisced and then thought ahead to how excited we are for the youth institute in the fall while she did her last laundry ever in India! Before we knew it, it was 3:30 and time to head out. We had 3 taxis full and our taxi pulled out 1st so we were the lead taxi I guess! Uh-oh! All was ok, things got a little (a lot) hot and long on the way - but it usually takes about 1 hr. to hyderabad and w/ traffic it was like 1.45 hrs. Then we arrived at this museum of the arts so I think we had a miscommunication w/ some of the drivers. We wanted to go to the Chowmahalla palace where we would find the S. African Indian arts celebration. So we left there and headed to the palace, which, I guess closes at 5 o'clock.
It was after 5 o'clock. Miscommunication again! We thought the exhibition show began at 5 pm! Ha - ha! Well I did some talking and then was able to get some great pics. anyway! Next we went to Charminar - one of the 7 wonders of hyderabad where we met some awesome people. Some indians wanted to sell things to us of course, but after I didn't want to buy - they still wanted to talk and be our friends. It was so much fun!!! They spoke to me in Spanish, which was a lot of fun! Their knowledge of languages is fabulous! The state languages are a big sense of pride here so in A.P. (Andra Pradesh) or (AAAAndHraa PrAAAdesh) Telagu is the popular local tongue.
Then from there we went to City Centre, which is a shopping center and entertainment place for the "new Hyderabad". It is so westernized and modern - it is fascinating to see the differences b/w the old and new cities. There I roamed around a bit and then we went over to this extreme sports bar and restaurant. We hung out there for a couple of hrs., chatted, watched some US gymnasts on tv, sang to some popular US songs, and then headed back to ICRISAT. We got home about midnight and I was absolutely ex - ha - uste - dddd! We actually left early too at the sports place so we could return. It was really nice our friends Sarah and Charlie came back w/ us b/c we needed a full taxi to leave. That is why we were there waiting. . . So, much appreciation to them. Check out this night of photos on my album: !
Also, I was a photographer around ICRISAT and took some photos in the morn before the market and full day excursion! So, here is that album too! !
Happy picture-browsing!
(This actually didn't end up happening! After the market I was just too pumped up! Sleep later, right!?!?)
Let me tell you the most exciting thing ever. So what you do is flag down an autorickshaw and cram in - hold on - arrive at destination - and pay. You settle on the price before you get in and typically people try to make us pay a lot. 8 Rs. for the ride - 40 Rs. for your white skin they say! Just kidding! But anyway, some were saying 50 Rs. and we say, "Too much, too much." Then we found an auto for 8 Rs. a piece. That is what the locals pay!! So proud. Then on the way back, we got another rickshaw for 8 Rs. a piece - - - and that was after the 50 Rs. offer!!
So we went to this market which is just like a grocery store actually. We were gonna see a few other places but spent so much time there we had to head back to ICRISAT for lunch before our next excursion. So, back to ICRISAT we went. Then we had lunch - full of philosophical conversation and invigorating thought. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of our conversation. Afterward, I was like, "Claire, why haven't we been having these convos. every lunch!?!" It was fun to share and challenge one another as we debated and contemplated our purposes and the method by which we obtain fufillment, and so on.
Then Claire and I had some great bonding time as we chatted and reminisced and then thought ahead to how excited we are for the youth institute in the fall while she did her last laundry ever in India! Before we knew it, it was 3:30 and time to head out. We had 3 taxis full and our taxi pulled out 1st so we were the lead taxi I guess! Uh-oh! All was ok, things got a little (a lot) hot and long on the way - but it usually takes about 1 hr. to hyderabad and w/ traffic it was like 1.45 hrs. Then we arrived at this museum of the arts so I think we had a miscommunication w/ some of the drivers. We wanted to go to the Chowmahalla palace where we would find the S. African Indian arts celebration. So we left there and headed to the palace, which, I guess closes at 5 o'clock.
It was after 5 o'clock. Miscommunication again! We thought the exhibition show began at 5 pm! Ha - ha! Well I did some talking and then was able to get some great pics. anyway! Next we went to Charminar - one of the 7 wonders of hyderabad where we met some awesome people. Some indians wanted to sell things to us of course, but after I didn't want to buy - they still wanted to talk and be our friends. It was so much fun!!! They spoke to me in Spanish, which was a lot of fun! Their knowledge of languages is fabulous! The state languages are a big sense of pride here so in A.P. (Andra Pradesh) or (AAAAndHraa PrAAAdesh) Telagu is the popular local tongue.
Then from there we went to City Centre, which is a shopping center and entertainment place for the "new Hyderabad". It is so westernized and modern - it is fascinating to see the differences b/w the old and new cities. There I roamed around a bit and then we went over to this extreme sports bar and restaurant. We hung out there for a couple of hrs., chatted, watched some US gymnasts on tv, sang to some popular US songs, and then headed back to ICRISAT. We got home about midnight and I was absolutely ex - ha - uste - dddd! We actually left early too at the sports place so we could return. It was really nice our friends Sarah and Charlie came back w/ us b/c we needed a full taxi to leave. That is why we were there waiting. . . So, much appreciation to them. Check out this night of photos on my album: !
Also, I was a photographer around ICRISAT and took some photos in the morn before the market and full day excursion! So, here is that album too! !
Happy picture-browsing!
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