My other friends: Chandrakala - my old roommate at wk. (wait till I get to the "old" part) - who came to visit me one day when I wasn't feeling the best. Sarah (medicine-sharer) and Christen (banana-retriever and company) and Charley (idk, moral support and kindness!?!) and everyone at work and. . . and . . . (each ellipse accounts for more people I don't have time to write - but equally thank! Ok, so very thankful.
Alright, so I am going to finish telling you about the villages whether you like it or not :) just because that is the absolute most amazing experience I have had. So more from the village to come. Anyway, back to my life here. So today was Monday and I was back to work after my days off (weekend + sick days + being in the village). Man, it's been awhile since I was there! This morning one friend came to see me (this morning I was still not feeling too hot) and told me at least I wasn't pale, so that was good. Now that I am feeling better I have this ravenous hunger so I spent most of the morning at work eating! (While working on my notes of course. . . but I still wasn't feeling the best.) I was planning on working just for awhile or seeing how I felt so I was not feeling too hot (a.k.a. considering high-tailing it home) when I recalled the priorities I have set for the remainder of my internship. (These really were unspoken rules the whole time, but now they are set in stone!!)
Ok, so below is no cool language I am sharing, but just the font Webdings. Isn't that weird? It supposedly says, "Priority List!"
Priority List
1) Health2) Complete internship reports (yes, plural!) and prepare for final presentation and . . . do those farmers justice! Yeah!
3) Other wonderful and fun and amazing India stuff!!!
4) Somehow find ways to thank everyone who has made everything this summer so amazing and indescribable, pack my things, and kiss the Indian soil goodbye!!!
So, that is what is left in a nutshell. It is crazy - this whole experience, and so awesome! Anyway, so I was thinking of the priorities and considering heading home when my boss came in to see me. I was happy she did and then I actually found out I was getting moved out of the Gender Studies Room. Awww, I liked the idea of working in that room . . . not to mention my wond - er - fullllllll friend, Chandrakala!!! But some scientist is returning, and who knows, they are probably actually working on gender studies, unlike me!! She thought I was looking good also! (Man, this Leah they were seeing I wasn't feeling yet!) I was like, man, it is good I haven't showered in a day or two. (Or made any attempt to look decent other than strapping on sandals and finding clothes with the least wrinkles.) ~ Note the word least here :) ~ Who knows what would have happened if I would have? People would expect acrobatic shows! (And I am a hygenic person thank you very much, that comment is to show you my dedication . . . or . . . yup, you're right, too personal.)
Anywhooo, so then my mentor took me and we sat down in what would be my new office. We had a meeting with a new intern - yep, you got it: fresh blood as we (weirdly and a little creepily now that I think of it) say. Maybe we are referring to the mosquitos or something. Yeah, it is pretty funny when you think of it that way! Oh well, she is from Taiwan, and for some reason I have a feeling they just won't be as close of a friend to her as they have been to me! (They aren't that bad. . . but we aren't great pals! Btw: did you know only female mosquitos bite? And after a good blood meal, the females can lay up to 400 eggs at one time? So, if you get a mosquito bite, you should be (or others should be) slapping you 400 times for every mosquito you let into this world. Ok, not that harsh. Especially looking at a couple welts on me now :) Anyway. . . . man, it's been awhile since I have blogged daily events! The real news - hot off the press baby!
Anyway, I met her and she is so nice. It is so cool b/c she is studying at Univ. of Wisc./Madison!! And I am from . . . Iowa, of course. So that was cool. She is only here until the end of August and just doing some pre-PhD work. She just got married like 2 wks. ago in Taiwan and now she is here already. (Her name is Ya-Ting, isn't that cute!? Easy for me to remember also. God was good to me this morning!) I told her I may not be the best person to introduce her to everyone because I am not the best foreign name dictionary let's just say. That was ok with her :) She said she was planning to come sooner but then had family home for the wedding and ended up showing them around Taiwan for a week and entertaining so she came a week later! And she seems totally at ease! She was telling me how she ideally would have spent the whole summer here, but had the whole wedding to plan so that cut into her time a little! A little? I guess so! Man, that is one well-adjusted girl! Anyway, it was awesome getting to talk to her. I was sharing about my village visit with her, and she was asking questions like I was the expert. It was perfect for me to be able to help someone else. That always makes a person feel better, so I was able to show her a couple of important rooms: bathroom, computer room (I know - what an exciting tour guide, right?!?!). So then, after a lot of talking and a sore throat, dry mouth, and attempts to drink my big water bottle, she asked if it was lunchtime! It was indeed! 12:15, and I am usually the speed walker getting to the lunchroom not a minute after 12:05. And it's a healthy jaunt! Anyway, then that. . . ok, jump back to office now.
To tell you more about. . . the new office :)
I have a nice big desk and now my back faces the open door which I love b/c then people can look in on me and see my back working and I don't get distracted by passing traffic. In my old rm., I liked to keep the door halfway closed so I was a little hidden! So, the look outside is still there, not quite as much of a view although it is the same one, just b/c of some obstructions (a.k.a. books), but fresh sunlight? big desk? still can't complain! However, I do feel really bad b/c I am budging in on this man's office. It used to be all his and now I just "all up in his space!" but he is sooooo nice and friendly and welcoming. I mean, you think someone may at least sulk for the first day or so (or at least hour) before extending the olive branch, but he was nice from the get-go! And, let me get to the best part! You'll love this one! He doesn't get there in the morning until 8:30. 8:30! and he is the one with the key! So, no more 8:15 for me. My life is changed. A full more 15 minutes in my morning. (I thoroughly enjoy my mornings in the solitude with a jolly chat with the 'rents at home sometimes of course!)
So, Leah's new work schedule: 8:30 a.m. - to be determined p.m. with some lunch and a breaks if needed. Today I took a long lunch. I just have a great big appetite back as I said so I wanted some more nourishment time :) After lunch (maybe a little too big) I was feeling much better.
Now I was up to some serious work. I got my village visit write-up done, which I will send tomorrow morning before work if I ever get to bed tonight. I also ended up staying like an hour late, which justified my long lunch break. Instead of leaving early as I felt in the morning. . . and I was feeling up to it, so oh how the tables turned on this day! All for the better :)
Oh man, long blog is back. Who knows for how long, but this girl is tired now! The lights are going out in India. . .
And my most important people to thank: all of you! The prayers, the support, and the love have nursed me back to good health. Well, still getting there 100%, but I am a lot more Leah now, as I am sure you can tell! Lots of Love to Iowa, USA :-) Sweet Summer Dreams :-)
P.S. Have some watermelon and corn on the cob for me! It's that season, right?
hey leah, just had some corn on the cob the other night! glad you are feeling better. i know the the party tips helped!